[wix-users] Need some help fixing this Burn script...

Edwin Castro egcastr at gmail.com
Wed Mar 20 07:43:28 PDT 2019

Logs are very helpful in determining what the bundle is doing. Here are
some general comments instead...

I think you use DetectCondition to determine if a package is installed.

I think you use InstallCondition to decide whether to install a package
that is not installed.

For example, I use DetectCondition to determine if an ExePackage is already
installed *but* I use InstallCondition to install the 32-bit package on a
32-bit OS and the 64-bit package on a 64-bit OS.

MsiPackage can already determine if an MSI is already is installed so you
probably do not need the RegistrySearch for it. I use InstallCondition with
MsiPackage to install the 32-bit package on a 32-bit OS and the 64-bit
package on a 64-bit OS.

Edwin G. Castro

On Wed, Mar 20, 2019, 06:49 Mike Franchitti via wix-users <
wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org> wrote:

> The following script is not working correctly, and I am not sure how to
> proceed - if someone could take a look and provide some feedback I'd
> appreciate it...
> My target is to get this working on Windows 10.
> Here are the problems I've seen so far:
>    - The generated .exe tries to run some of the installers listed in the
>    chain multiple times.
>    - The Sparkwave installer (which works on it's own) fails to run if it's
>    placed AFTER the CDM installer with errors related to verifying it's
> hash.
>    (If I place the Sparkwave installer BEFORE the CDM installer in the
> chain
>    it works correctly)...
>    - The CDM installer appears to run all the way through, but upon click
>    the final "finish" button in that installer the Burn script fails
>    with Error 0x80070001. I think this is related to it's attempt to run
> the
>    same installers multiple times...
> Here is my script:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi" xmlns:util="
> http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/UtilExtension">
>   <Bundle Name="Bootstrap" Version="" Manufacturer="Bootstrap"
> UpgradeCode="537641ca-e876-4bcb-8d57-c6cdc8940c84">
>     <BootstrapperApplicationRef
> Id="WixStandardBootstrapperApplication.RtfLicense" />
>     <util:FileSearch
>       Id="SearchForGazepoint"
>       Path="[ProgramFilesFolder]Gazepoint\Gazepoint\bin\Gazepoint.exe"
>       Variable="GazepointFound"
>       Result="exists" />
>     <util:FileSearch
>       Id="SearchForConsensys"
> Path="[ProgramFilesFolder]Shimmer\ConsensysPRO\Consensys_v1.5.0\Consensys.exe"
>       Variable="ConsensysFound"
>       Result="exists" />
>     <util:RegistrySearch
>       Id="SearchForFTDI"
>       Root="HKLM"
>       Key="SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\FTDIBUS"
>       Result="exists"
>       Variable="FTDIFound"/>
>     <util:RegistrySearch
>       Id="SearchForSparkwave"
>       Root="HKCU"
>       Key="Software\Spark Neuro\Sparkwave"
>       Result="exists"
>       Variable="SparkwaveFound"/>
>     <Chain>
>       <PackageGroupRef Id="NetFx472Redist"/>
>       <ExePackage Id='GazepointControl'
> SourceFile="../../ExternalSoftware/Gazepoint_5.3.0.exe" Vital='yes'
> PerMachine='yes' InstallCondition='NOT GazepointFound'/>
>       <ExePackage Id='Consensys'
> SourceFile="../../ExternalSoftware/Setup.exe" Vital='yes' PerMachine='yes'
> InstallCondition='NOT ConsensysFound'/>
>       <MsiPackage Id='Sparkwave' SourceFile='Sparkwave.msi' Vital='yes'
> InstallCondition='NOT SparkwaveFound' Visible='yes'
> DisplayInternalUI='yes'></MsiPackage>
>       <ExePackage Id='SerialPortDriver'
> SourceFile="../../ExternalSoftware/CDM21228_Setup.exe" Vital='yes'
> PerMachine='yes' InstallCondition='NOT FTDIFound'/>
>     </Chain>
>   </Bundle>
> </Wix>
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