[wix-users] User-based choice of install scope via bootstrap bundle

Dominique Fuchs dev at dmnq.onl
Fri Jan 25 11:27:22 PST 2019

Hi everyone,

I‘m actually struggling while trying to figure out the possibilities to let the user decide at runtime wether to install per-user or per-machine. I have a burn bundle containing my msi siftware package and some prep-steps, but afaik you are only able to define the scope at build time within the package definitions.

I‘m wondering ‚how the others do it‘. The general init-dialog asking hiw to install is pretty common these days. I obly found a statement saying this isn‘t possible with WiX (see http://windows-installer-xml-wix-toolset.687559.n2.nabble.com/Bundle-amp-per-user-or-per-machine-td7579453.html), however this entry is over 6 years old... Is this still the case?

If it‘s really impossible I would be thankful if someone can give a hint to some best practices on how to achieve that without completely bootstrapping with own code projects.

Thanks a lot,

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