[wix-users] Looking for Advice/Opinion on Approach

Rob Mensching rob at firegiant.com
Fri Dec 27 11:23:37 PST 2019

I *think* Sean resolved the secure variables a long time ago (although maybe only via the native API). Hidden should work (if not, good feature for someone to implement).

Short replies here. Complete answers here: https://www.firegiant.com/services/

-----Original Message-----
From: wix-users <wix-users-bounces at lists.wixtoolset.org> On Behalf Of Edwin Castro via wix-users
Sent: Friday, December 27, 2019 10:46 AM
To: WiX Toolset Users Mailing List <wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org>
Cc: Edwin Castro <egcastr at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [wix-users] Looking for Advice/Opinion on Approach

The issue of hiding property values has been asked previously


I don't think there is an official solution for this yet.

You can make Variables on the burn side Hidden and you can make Properties on the MSI side Hidden. I have not checked yet if that is enough to ensure the logged command lines are appropriately obfuscated as a result.

Do remember the following


Especially the bit about the Debug policy.

My gut says it might be better to encrypt sensitive information in a custom BA, pass it encrypted to the MSI, then decrypt it in an immediate CA.
Unencrypted sensitive information should be stored in hidden variables and properties.

Edwin G. Castro

On Fri, Dec 27, 2019, 08:44 Bryan Dam via wix-users < wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org> wrote:

> I've spent the last few weeks looking at our existing WiX installers 
> and doing different proof of concepts to get a better understanding of 
> our options and their pros and cons.  Before I finally commit to one 
> of them I figured I'd throw it out there and see if anyone with more 
> experience was willing to lend their advice.
> Here's the situation:
> Our product has three components: a client, server, and agent.  Each 
> have and will continue to need their own WiX-created MSI installers.
> The Server install includes a bunch of custom UI to configure IIS 
> (including cert generation/selection) and create a SQL database via a 
> bunch of custom actions.
> The Server requires the .NET Core Hosting Bundle (not just the .Net 
> Core
> runtimes) be installed as a pre-requisite.
> The Agent installer installs a service that the installer UI allows 
> the user to configure it to run as System or provide service account 
> credentials to use.
> In order for certain functionality to work the agent needs to be 
> installed on the server with a service account.
> The goal is to improve the server install user experience by 
> installing the .NET Core pre-req (we have lots of disconnected 
> environments), the Server, and optionally install the Agent using a seamless UI.
> Things I've looked at:
> 1) Burn with one of the standard bootstrapper applications.
> Due to the IIS/SQL configuration we need to get a bunch of input from 
> the user via the installer UI.  The only option here was to use the 
> MSI's existing internal UI which 'works' but was deemed by my team as 
> not sufficient from a UX perspective.  They want the whole thing to 
> feel like a single installer versus chaining 3 different installers together.
> 2) Burn with a custom bootstrapper application written in C#.
> Recreate the Server and Agent installer UIs in C# to get the needed 
> parameters and call each installer silently with those parameters.  
> Right now this is viewed as the most promising solution.  For this to 
> work we need to pass the credentials to the Agent installer which gets 
> properly hidden in most of the logs but is shown in plain text in the 
> actual bundle package's command line.  Maybe there's a solution there 
> but I'm not optimistic.
> 3) Making the Agent a feature/component of the Server install.
> Haven't gone too far down this road but this would solve the 'password 
> in the log' problem above but I think creates other issues.  Doesn't 
> solve installing the .NET Hosting Bundle and the agent still needs its 
> own stand-alone installer which could make things tricky: what if 
> someone runs the agent install on a server that installed the agent as a feature?
> Anyhoo, sorry for the wall-o-text there but if anyone has 
> thoughts/opinions/advice I'd love to hear it.
>   Thanks everyone,
>            Bryan
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