[wix-users] WIX Bootstrapper uninstall chain element after upgrade

Rob Mensching rob at firegiant.com
Thu Dec 19 07:28:31 PST 2019

Have one of the MSIs in your 2nd chain (like second.msi) Upgrade the first.msi as well.

Short replies here. Complete answers here: https://www.firegiant.com/services/

-----Original Message-----
From: wix-users <wix-users-bounces at lists.wixtoolset.org> On Behalf Of Srinivas via wix-users
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2019 8:40 PM
To: WiX Toolset Users Mailing List <wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org>
Cc: Srinivas <srinivasmsis at gmail.com>
Subject: [wix-users] WIX Bootstrapper uninstall chain element after upgrade

I have a bootstrapper installer which contains 4 chain elements

*Version 1.0*
/<MsiPackage Id="first" SourceFile="first.msi" Vital="yes"  Visible="yes"
DisplayInternalUI="yes" Compressed="no" Name="first.msi"/>/ <MsiPackage Id="second" SourceFile="second.msi" Vital="yes"  Visible="yes"
DisplayInternalUI="yes" Compressed="no" Name="second.msi"/> <MsiPackage Id="third" SourceFile="third.msi" Vital="yes"  Visible="yes"
DisplayInternalUI="yes" Compressed="no" Name="third.msi"/> <MsiPackage Id="fourth" SourceFile="fourth.msi" Vital="yes"  Visible="yes"
DisplayInternalUI="yes" Compressed="no" Name="fourth.msi"/> </chain>

I want Version 2 after upgrade  to contain only 3 elements. That means when i install version 2.0 , it should uninstall first.msi and upgrade the rest of the chain elements *Version 2.0* <Chain> <MsiPackage Id="second"
SourceFile="second.msi" Vital="yes"  Visible="yes"
DisplayInternalUI="yes" Compressed="no" Name="second.msi"/> <MsiPackage Id="third" SourceFile="third.msi" Vital="yes"  Visible="yes"
DisplayInternalUI="yes" Compressed="no" Name="third.msi"/> <MsiPackage Id="fourth" SourceFile="fourth.msi" Vital="yes"  Visible="yes"
DisplayInternalUI="yes" Compressed="no" Name="fourth.msi"/> </chain>

The above is my expected behavior.

what is happening, it is upgrading version 2.0, but first.msi is still not getting uninstalled.

How do i make first.msi uninstalled and reconstruct the chain

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