[wix-users] .Net Core 2.2 Windows Server Hosting

Jacques Eloff repstosd at gmail.com
Fri Aug 16 11:34:36 PDT 2019

The hosting bundle is just a wrapper for a few other bundles and MSIs that
also ship as part of other bundles. It contains

1. The .NET Core Runtime bundles (EXE) both x86 and x64
2. The ASP.NET Core shared framework MSIs (both x86 and x64)
3. The ASP.NET Core Module for IIS

1 and 2 can also be acquired through separate installations and ANCM also
ships as part of Visual Studio. so detecting them doesn't mean they were
installed as a result of installing the hosting bundle. Your safest bet is
to check against HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall
because the bundle would get registered there. In 2.x the hosting bundles
supported SxS installs so you may find multiple entries there.

It should also write a registry key to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Updates (It
uses the Optional Registration elements in the bundle that WiX provides).
Though I've seen those keys getting removed by Windows Update sometimes so
I won't rely on that.

And just in case you need to deal with 1.x: That included both the 1.0 and
1.1 (FTS/LTS runtimes for .NET Core). The ASP.NET Shared Framework didn't
exist until 2.0


On Thu, Aug 15, 2019 at 3:01 PM Nir Bar via wix-users <
wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org> wrote:

> You need to check the version of dotnet.exe
> "[ProgramFiles64Folder]\dotnet\dotnet.exe"
> --
> Nir Bar
> WiX Expert
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