[wix-users] IIS App Pool Settings not retained during Major Upgrade

Edwin Castro egcastr at gmail.com
Thu Sep 27 09:44:27 PDT 2018

Do you get the same behavior if you change Schedule to

Does your IdleTimeout and ManagedRuntimeVersion modification custom actions
run during upgrades?

The first thing I'd try to figure out is whether RemoveExistingProducts is
changing something after your modification custom actions run.

... wait ...

I just looked at your iis:WebAppPool and it has IdleTimeout="0" and
ManagedRuntimeVersion="v4.0". I assumed you were modifying those in custom
actions because iis:WebAppPool didn't let you configure them. Why not just
use IdleTimeout="5" (or whatever value is appropriate for 5 minutes) and

Edwin G. Castro

On Thu, Sep 27, 2018 at 9:13 AM Ven H via wix-users <
wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org> wrote:

> I have the following App Pool element in my wxs file.
> <iis:WebAppPool Id="MyDefaultPool" Name="My Default Pool"
> ManagedPipelineMode="Classic" IdleTimeout="0" MaxWorkerProcesses="1"
> ManagedRuntimeVersion="v4.0"  PrivateMemory="1800000" />
> This creates the app pool as expected when the MSI is installed. After
> that, I manually modify some settings like IdleTimeout to 5 minutes and
> ManagedRuntimeVersion to v2.0.
> I have a MajorUpgrade element with Schedule="afterInstallExecute". After I
> run a major upgrade with the same wxs file with the same settings for web
> app pool as given above, my manual changes get replaced. Is there a way to
> retain the manually made changes? Please help.
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