[wix-users] Quiet Execution CA Documentation Issue

Joel McBeth Joel.McBeth at zuerchertech.com
Fri Mar 30 08:05:58 PDT 2018

I was following the document for Quiet Execution Custom Action, found here: http://wixtoolset.org/documentation/manual/v3/customactions/qtexec.html

I'm trying to run a batch file stored in the [INSTALLDIR] for my application and the Deferred section it covers this. It documents how to use a property. However with the example provided I am finding that it gives me the error:

                Found an ActionRow with a non-existent Before action: <action name>.

The document says that the SetProperty must run immediate while the custom action runs deferred. The default sequence for SetProperty is 'both' and the command line custom action is only defined in the InstallExecuteSequence. To fix this error I set the sequence for SetProperty to execute.

So I end up with:

    <SetProperty Id="StopSolr" Value=""[INSTALLDIR]\bin\solr.cmd" stop -all" Before="StopSolr" Sequence="execute" />
    <CustomAction Id="StopSolr" BinaryKey="WixCA" DllEntry="WixQuietExec" Execute="deferred" Return="check" Impersonate="no" />

      <Custom Action="StopSolr" Before="InstallExecute"/>

Am I doing this correctly? Is that just something missing from the example in the document?

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