[wix-users] Condition executing when it shouldn't

Brian E brianke at gmail.com
Tue Jun 26 10:58:16 PDT 2018

I have setup a conditional message based on if the installation is an
upgrade and a specific product version is found.  The following works and
only display the message if the product is being upgraded AND a version
prior to 10.7.1 was found to already be installed.

   <!-- Check that version10.7.1 or later is already installed
         only run when upgrading (NOT Installed) and version 10.7.1 NOT yet
installed (NOT PRE_10_7_1_INSTALLED)  -->
    <Property Id="PRE_10_7_1_INSTALLED" Secure="yes" />
    <Upgrade Id="$(var.UpgradeCode)">
      <UpgradeVersion Maximum="10.7.1"
                      OnlyDetect="yes" />
    <Condition Message="Please install version 10.7.1 before installing
this version.">
      <![CDATA[NOT Installed AND NOT PRE_10_7_1_INSTALLED]]>

I have found that this will also display the message during an uninstall
which prevents a user from uninstalling.  Unfortunately, our product has
been released and now some clients are unable to upgrade or uninstall.  Is
there anything that can be done at this point with a future release to
allow for upgrades or uninstalls?  Is there someway to change a registry
setting or something that would allow the user to upgrade/uninstall?


If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.  -
Albert Einstein

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