[wix-users] util:CloseApplication from windows service

olegk Kolomiytsev at bigmir.net
Fri Jun 8 07:51:35 PDT 2018

I am trying to add application to RestartResource in this way:

<util:RestartResource Id="RestartTray" Path="[APPLICATIONFOLDER]$(var.TrayAgentBinName).exe" ProcessName="$(var.TrayAgentBinName).exe"/>

But nothing happens... Neither old instance is closed nor new instance is started... 
- Am I correctly use util:RestartResource eelement?
- Could you possibly tell me what should happen if application is added to RestartResource?

08.06.2018 15:57, Nir Bar <nir.bar at panel-sw.com>
>You can add the tray application to RestartResource element- http://wixtoolset.org/documentation/manual/v3/xsd/util/restartresource.html
> --
> Nir Bar, Independent WiX Expert. Creator of-
> JetBA: WiX WPF Bootstrapper User Interface Framework
> JetBA++: WiX Native Bootstrapper User Interface Framework
> JetRummikub: Install WiX packages on remote machines

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