[wix-users] Custom Bootstrapper Application, command line usage - possible?

Edwin Castro egcastr at gmail.com
Mon Jan 8 13:43:49 PST 2018

What do you mean by "We could run it when using the standard BA"?

I use the standard BA as well and when I run it from the command line the
GUI just pops up and the command line returns as expected for a Windows
application. If I want to wait until the bootstrapper completes I need to
execute it using start /wait.

Edwin G. Castro

On Mon, Jan 8, 2018 at 1:39 PM, Jon Earle via wix-users <
wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org> wrote:

> Hey folks,
> I have concocted a custom bootstrapper application, using the WixWPF
> framework (https://github.com/tpalacino/WixWPF), which is working quite
> well.  The problem I am having, is running the installer via commandline.
> We could run it when using the standard BA but, when I issue the same
> commandline now, the GUI just pops up.
> Commandline:
> Client.exe /install /quiet /l install.log ADDLOCAL="myFeature"
> INSTALLDIR="c:\client"
> Is there anything I need to implement in the bootstrapper code to enable
> commandline usage?
> Cheers!
> Jon
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