[wix-users] Burn (3.11) main product that automatically uninstalls plugins/extensions

Nir Bar nir.bar at panel-sw.com
Wed Feb 7 08:12:28 PST 2018

One option you have is to search for the plugin in registry's uninstall key. So the search would be something like:

util:RegistrySearch Root='HKLM' Key='Software\ACME\AWESOMEAPP\$(var.ProductVersionInternal)' Value='UNINSTALLPLUGIN1' Win64='no' Variable='UninstallPlugin1ProductCode' 
util:RegistrySearch Root='HKLM' Key='Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\[UninstallPlugin1ProductCode]' Value='UninstallString' Win64='no' Variable='UninstallPlugin1Command' After='UninstallPlugin1ProductCode'

But I think the better way from bundle perspective would be to include the plugin MSI in the bundle for both install and uninstall.

Nir Bar, Independent WiX Expert. Creator of-
JetBA: WiX WPF Bootstrapper User Interface Framework

JetBA++: WiX Native Bootstrapper User Interface Framework

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