[wix-users] Limitation of shortcut target length LGHT1076 ICE03

Blaine Wheeler blainekw at gmail.com
Sun Aug 26 11:16:58 PDT 2018

Check the column widths of the shortcut table in the msi. Some columns have
256 character max size

On Sun, Aug 26, 2018 at 2:01 AM Helge Kruse via wix-users <
wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org> wrote:

> In an MSI installer I have a shortcut to a text file.
>   <Fragment>
>     <DirectoryRef Id="ShortcutFolder" >
>       <Component Id="cmpShortCut" Guid="<some-guid>" >
>         <Shortcut Id="HelpShortcut" Name="Help"
>           Target="[HELP]index.html" />
>         <Shortcut Id="SbReleaseHistoryShortcut"
>           Name="Release History"
> Target="[RELEASEHISTIRYFOLDER]Name_of_the_file_that_holds_the_history_and_others.txt"
> />
>       </Component>
>     </DirectoryRef>
>   </Fragment>
> I get a warning when linking the final MSI:
> ShortCut.wxs(14,0): warning LGHT1076: ICE03: String overflow (greater
> than length permitted in column); Table: Shortcut, Column: Target,
> Key(s): SbReleaseHistoryShortcut
> The MSI can be installed. And the shortcut is working, the history file
> is shown on click at the shortcut. But the warning mentions that the
> column width limits the entry.
> 1. Why it's possible to open the history file if some data is missing
> there?
> 2. How can I make sure to avoid this warning without renaming the target
> file? Renaming the target folder isn't an option since the history file
> should be kept with the installed software.
> Regards
> Helge
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