[wix-users] DB not getting created in Program Files (x86) folder

Edwin Castro egcastr at gmail.com
Mon Aug 13 11:33:56 PDT 2018

Let's begin with:

what is your wix authoring for this?
what is the actual error in log?
what specifically leads you to believe it is a permission issue?
what have you tried to resolve the suspected permission issue?

Edwin G. Castro

On Mon, Aug 13, 2018 at 9:45 AM, Ven H via wix-users <
wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org> wrote:

> When I give the path for creating the DB (data and log files) in Program
> Files (x86) folder in my MSI, I always get an error in the log, which is
> not so helpful for troubleshooting. Initially, I thought, this could be due
> to space, but tried on a server with lots of space, but there also, I get
> the same issue. Upon some searching I found that it is because of
> permission, but I am not sure how to fix it. Can anyone please help?
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