[wix-users] Unable to product installation conditions to be optional informative only

Tigran Galoyan tigran.galoyan at gmail.com
Tue Aug 7 13:34:11 PDT 2018


I have some conditions right at the beginning of the installation process.
If it fails then the installation exits/finishes after popping up a message
about not meeting that condition. This is an example of a condition where I
check the TortoiseSVN to be installed before proceeding with the

<Property Id="TSVN_EXISTS">
            <RegistrySearch Id='TSVNRegistry' Type='raw' Name='Directory'
Root='HKLM' Key='SOFTWARE\TortoiseSVN' />

<Condition Message="TortoiseSVN software is required to be installed on the
OS prior to installation of proDAS.">

However, what I want is to show this popup message to inform only that the
3rd party software is not installed but not to block the user further
install my product, since they may install my product and later install all
required 3rd party softs. Is there any way to handle it?

Thanks for your support,

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