[wix-users] Error in SqlString
Edwin Castro
egcastr at gmail.com
Sun Apr 29 09:12:57 PDT 2018
I see a bunch of * characters on each line. I assume that is an email
artifact and not really in your sqlstring.
Can you shows us your WiX authoring so we can see how you define the sql
text, how you evaluate [INSTALLDIR], and how you define the actual
sqlstring element? I expect the problem lies in how you're doing those
things rather than in the unmidified sql text you are trying to run.
As an aside, SqlString and friends do *not* support the GO statement so
your sql text will get modified if you have it in your string. Perhaps this
modification results in sql text that you don't expect. I'd have to go look
at the code to get the specifics... the code is on github.
All that said, why are you trying to create the database with SqlString
when SqlDatabase will already create the database for you?
I thought you were going to specify the secondary data file directly in
that CREATE DATABASE but you didn't. I would let wix create the database
first and then use SqlString to alter the database to add the secondary
data files.
I expect you have a problem evaluating [INSTALLDIR] so you'll probably
still have the same problem in your alter sql text. Seeing the actual wix
code will help figure out what is wrong.
Edwin G. Castro
On Sun, Apr 29, 2018, 02:46 Ven H via wix-users <
wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org> wrote:
> One small correction. In the sql above, I forgot to mention the path.
> *USE [master]*
> *GO*
> */****** Object: Database [myDB] Script Date: DateAndTime******/*
> *if db_id(' myDB ') is null*
> * ( NAME = N' myDB _Data', FILENAME = N' [INSTALLDIR]\myDB _data.mdf' ,
> * LOG ON *
> * ( NAME = N' myDB _Log', FILENAME = N' [INSTALLDIR]\myDB _log.ldf' , SIZE
> = 1024MB , MAXSIZE = 2048GB , FILEGROWTH = 100MB )*
> *GO*
> Regards,
> Venkatesh
> On Sun, Apr 29, 2018 at 3:08 PM, Ven H <venh.123 at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I have the following sql which I am trying to execute using an SqlString
> > element. I am using SqlString and not SqlScript, because I have to pass
> > some parameters for the data file and log file paths. I cannot use
> > SqlFileSpec also because I will have multiple data files also.
> >
> > *USE [master]*
> > *GO*
> >
> > */****** Object: Database [myDB] Script Date: DateAndTime******/*
> > *if db_id(' myDB ') is null*
> > * ON PRIMARY *
> > * ( NAME = N' myDB _Data', FILENAME = N' myDB _data.mdf' , SIZE = 1024MB
> ,
> > * LOG ON *
> > * ( NAME = N' myDB _Log', FILENAME = N' myDB _log.ldf' , SIZE = 1024MB ,
> > MAXSIZE = 2048GB , FILEGROWTH = 100MB )*
> > *GO*
> >
> > I am not able to get it working. Initially, it complained about the GO
> > keyword, but even if I remove, it keeps saying incorrect syntax near =. I
> > tried enclosing the values within single quotes, but this also didn't
> work.
> > Can anyone please help how to get this working. Also, I need to read the
> > above from a file and dynamically assign it to the SQL property of the
> > SqlString element. Please help.
> >
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