[wix-users] RemoveRegistryKey in a dual-scope MSI

Alan Sinclair anadem at gmail.com
Fri Apr 20 22:40:14 PDT 2018

correction (I'd copypasted an older version, sorry), my code includes
like this, otherwise it errors.

        <DirectoryRef Id='TARGETDIR'>
            <Component Id="AlanRemoveRegHKLM"
Guid="3A735F83-591B-4E25-B1CB-1498A6770873" Win64='$(var.V_WIN64)'>
                <Condition> ( not UPGRADINGPRODUCTCODE ) and ALLUSERS
                <RemoveRegistryKey Root="HKLM" Key="Software\Myapp\Settings"
Action="removeOnUninstall" />
<!--Perhaps the above AlanRemoveRegHKLM component is redundant .. haven't
checked -->
            <Component Id="AlanRemoveRegHKCU"
Guid="4950E1DD-A5FB-42D6-A872-A74230ED8841" Win64='$(var.V_WIN64)'>
                <Condition> ( not UPGRADINGPRODUCTCODE ) and ( not ALLUSERS
                <RemoveRegistryKey Root="HKMU" Key="Software\Myapp\Settings"
Action="removeOnUninstall" />

The problem remains the same: registry key is deleted during upgrade, but
we need it deleted only at final uninstall.


On Fri, Apr 20, 2018 at 10:18 PM, Alan Sinclair <anadem at gmail.com> wrote:

> Is there any way to do set up my dual-scope install so that at uninstall
> it removes a registry key (from the appropriate HKLM or HKCU hive depending
> whether it's in per-machine mode or per-user mode) ONLY AT FINAL UNINSTALL,
> not at upgrade?
> All the dual-scope stuff is working cleanly and properly now (including
> upgrades!) thanks to all the great help from this list, except cleaning up
> the registry keys which were set by the app i.e. not set by components in
> the installer.
> I have RemoveRegistryKey in a component conditioned on
> NOT UPGRADINGPRODUCTCODE but that doesn't do what we need: the key is
> removed during an upgrade.
> This is what I've got:
>         <DirectoryRef Id='TARGETDIR'>
>             <Component Id="AlanRemoveRegHKLM" Guid="myguid"
> Win64='$(var.V_WIN64)'>
>                 <Condition> ( not UPGRADINGPRODUCTCODE ) and ALLUSERS
> </Condition>
>                 <RemoveRegistryKey Root="HKLM"
> Key="Software\Myapp\Settings" Action="removeOnUninstall" />
>             </Component>
>             <Component Id="AlanRemoveRegHKCU" Guid="myguid2"
> Win64='$(var.V_WIN64)'>
>                 <Condition> ( not UPGRADINGPRODUCTCODE ) and ( not
> ALLUSERS )</Condition>
>                 <RemoveRegistryKey Root="HKMU" Key="Software\Myapp\
> Settings " Action="removeOnUninstall" />
>             </Component>
>         </DirectoryRef>
> which gets this warning:
> c:\projects\ws\wixsetup\wsoptions.wxs(285) : warning LGHT1076 : ICE57:
> Component 'AlanRemoveRegHKCU' has a registry entry that can be either
> per-user or per-machine and a per-machine KeyPath.
> C:\Users\AlanSinclair\AppData\Local\Temp\3crnd1nz\myapp-en-us.msi :
> warning LGHT1076 : ICE105: msidbRegistryRootLocalMachine or
> msidbRegistryRootUsers cannot be defined as root for per user install of
> application.
> How to make this aware of UPGRADINGPRODUCTCODE ? Do we need a custom
> action to save and restore the key over an upgrade?
> (Also, I don't know if the condition REMOVE~="ALL" is required in the
> condition when Action=" removeOnUninstall " .. is it?)
> Any ideas?
> Thanks
> Alan

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