[wix-users] Install Component after Successful execution of Deferred Custom Action

Edwin Castro egcastr at gmail.com
Fri Apr 6 08:35:13 PDT 2018

This is not possible. Even if you can schedule the deferred custom action
to run before InstallFiles you cannot make decisions on which files to
install once you've begun the transaction. Those decisions get made during
the first pass when immediate custom actions are executed. In other words,
the decision to install or not install specific files has already been made
before your deferred custom action executes.

Edwin G. Castro

On Fri, Apr 6, 2018 at 2:53 AM, Ven H via wix-users <
wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org> wrote:

> I have a deferred C# CA, which is scheduled after Installing files. But I
> have some components which should be installed only after the successful
> execution of this deferred CA. Is this possible? If yes, how? Please help.
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