[wix-users] How do I make a 64 bit MSI?

J. Pablo Fernández pupeno at pupeno.com
Wed Apr 25 17:38:15 PDT 2018

Hello Russ,

On 26 April 2018 at 01:30, Russell Haley via wix-users <
wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org> wrote:
> Hi! I have a working example of this here:
> https://github.com/WinLua/WinLua-VisualStudio/tree/
> master/Visual%20Studio/WinLua-Installer.
> See include.wxi for the details. The software is FreeBSD licensed (but will
> be switched to MIT for consistency at some point). Please respect the
> copyright. :)

Thanks for the link. $(var.PlatformProgramFilesFolder) gets assigned
to ProgramFiles64Folder, which is equivalent to what I'm doing; although
I'm a bit surprised to see the name of the ProgramFiles folder being
assigned to then name of the project. I don't see anything on that wxs that
I'm not already doing on my own. The only part that I'm not sure about is
what's going on with Visual Studio and whether it's passing some parameter
I'm missing to heat/candle/light, as I'm not using Visual Studio.

J. Pablo Fernández <pupeno at pupeno.com> (http://pupeno.com)

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