[wix-users] Checkbox property in Silent Install

Ven H venh.123 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 25 03:02:37 PDT 2018

I have an MSI with 2 features for App and DB. There are 2 check boxes in
the UI dialog which are initially checked in the UI and are associated to
the properties namely APPFEATURE_CHECKED and DBFEATURE_CHECKED which
accordingly decide the installation of App and DB features. Now, through
silent install, I need to install only DB feature and not App feature. So,
I am using the following command. But, still it is installing App Feature.

*msiexec /qn /i MyMsi.msi /l*vs MyMSILog.log APPFEATURE_CHECKED="0"

But this is not working. It is installing both, instead of only DB feature.
Can anyone please help?

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