[wix-users] Detect Custom Action Execute Mode

Edwin Castro egcastr at gmail.com
Mon Apr 9 09:33:08 PDT 2018

Is it possible to detect if a custom action is running immediate, deferred,
or rollback? I'm wondering if it makes sense to have a single entry point
instead of three...

I suppose checking for custom action data could help me here since the
absence of custom action data indirectly indicates immediate mode while the
existence of custom action data indicates deferred or rollback mode. I
suppose the custom action data itself could tell me if I'm running rollback
or not...

Those thoughts feel hackish... Is there an idiomatic way to do this?
Presumably, the Windows Installer engine implements standard actions
similarly to how custom actions are implemented and they don't seem to have
separate immediate, deferred, rollback, and commit standard actions... but
perhaps they do and we just can't see them.

Edwin G. Castro

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