[wix-users] How to identify the language of my msi

David Watson dwatson at sdl.com
Wed Oct 4 13:32:38 PDT 2017

Have you tried the ProductLanguage property?

run a verbose log to see what it gets set to.

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-----Original Message-----
From: wix-users [mailto:wix-users-bounces at lists.wixtoolset.org] On Behalf Of Jason Beck via wix-users
Sent: 04 October 2017 17:24
To: Mahesh Wickramasinghe via wix-users <wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org>
Cc: Jason Beck <mrbass21 at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [wix-users] How to identify the language of my msi

This is a great question and I hope someone has a better way to access this, cause I'd like to know.

Can you create a variable in each localization file, like a variable called thisCultureCode, and then reference it with !(loc.thisCultureCode)?

If that works, it's a crappy workaround, but it might work.

On 10/4/2017 2:53 AM, Mahesh Wickramasinghe via wix-users wrote:
> Hello,
> I made a msi and built it using 3 deference 
> languages(en-US;ja-JP;zh-CN) I am running a exe during install. so i used a custom action.
> [ExeCommand="cmd.exe /c Util.exe] .
> Now i need to pass it the language, that the msi has built. like 
> [ExeCommand="cmd.exe /c Util.exe -l en-US] . But i don't how to do 
> that. is there a property or a way to find the language im running msi package?
> Thank you.
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