[wix-users] .NET redist not installing

Joel Budreau joel.budreau at gmail.com
Fri Oct 6 12:09:04 PDT 2017

Hi everyone,

I’ve got two custom BAs that both package the .NET 4.0 redist. One can install it, and one can’t :(

Both Bundle.wxs files look like this:
		<PackageGroupRef Id=“Netfx4Full”/>

	    <util:RegistrySearchRef Id=“NETFRAMEWORK40”/>

	    <WixVariable Id="WixMbaPrereqPackageId" Value="Netfx4Full" />
	    <WixVariable Id="WixMbaPrereqLicenseUrl" Value="NetfxLicense.rtf”/>
	    <PackageGroup Id="Netfx4Full">
	        <ExePackage Id="Netfx4Full" Cache="no" Compressed="yes" PerMachine="yes" Permanent="yes" Vital="yes"
	                               InstallCommand="/q /norestart /ChainingPackage "[WixBundleName]""
	                               DetectCondition="NETFRAMEWORK40" />

The WORKING bootstrapper has this in the log file:
	[timestamp] Condition ‘NETFRAMEWORK40’ evaluates to false.
	[timestamp] Detected package: Netfx4Full, state: Absent, cached: None
	[timestamp] Skipping dependency registration on package with no dependency providers: Netfx4Full
	[timestamp] Setting string variable ‘WixBundleLog_Netfx4Full’ to value ‘C:\Users\myusername\AppData\Local\Temp\MyBootstrapper_timestamp_000_Netfx4Full.log’
	[timestamp] Planned package: Netfx4Full, state: Absent, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: Install, rollback: None, cache: Yes, uncache: Yes, dependency: None

- Joel
	[timestamp] Condition ‘NETFRAMEWORK40’ evaluates to false.
	[timestamp] Detected package: Netfx4Full, state: Absent, cached: None
	[timestamp] Skipping dependency registration on package with no dependency providers: Netfx4Full
	[timestamp] Planned package: Netfx4Full, state: Absent, default requested: Present, ba requested: None, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None

What could I be missing in the failing BA?


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