[wix-users] Ability to define a single Wix file and consume in multiple VsixPackage components

Blake Niemyjski bniemyjski at gmail.com
Thu May 25 07:08:04 PDT 2017

Is there a good way to place a file in a specific folder and then reference
it from a vsixpackage? I want to share the same vsix file for install into
VS2015 and VS2017 and I've tried a few different things but all failed. The
below compiles but won't work...

warning LGHT1076: ICE30: The target file 'mzahm b7y.vsi|Example.vsix'
might be installed in '[ProgramFilesFolder]\Example\v1.0\VisualStu
dio\' by two different conditionalized components on an LFN system:
'VisualStudio2015Extension' and 'VisualStudio2017Extension'. If the
conditions are not mutually exclusive, this will break the component
reference counting system.

<DirectoryRef Id="VisualStudioDir" FileSource="$(var.PackageDir)\VisualStudio">
  <Component Id="VisualStudio2015Extension" Guid="MY_GUID_HERE....">
    <Condition>Installed OR NETFRAMEWORK45</Condition>
    <VSExtension:VsixPackage File="ExtensionFile2015"
PackageId="MY_ID" Target="professional" TargetVersion="14.0"
Vital="yes" Permanent="no" />
    <File Id="ExtensionFile2015" Name="Example.vsix"></File>

  <Component Id="VisualStudio2017Extension" Guid="MY_GUID_HERE...">
    <Condition>Installed OR NETFRAMEWORK45</Condition>
    <VSExtension:VsixPackage File="ExtensionFile2017"
PackageId="MY_ID" Target="professional" TargetVersion="15.0"
Vital="yes" Permanent="no" />
    <File Id="ExtensionFile2017" Name="Example.vsix"></File>

I thought something like this may work (Install vsix package both on Visual
Studio 2015 and Visual Studio 2017 with WIX) but they have a single
component and I have a feature selection for installing in different
versions of vs.


-Blake Niemyjski

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