[wix-users] Debug Managed Bootstrapper

Mayooran Macilamany mayooran99 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 7 22:01:16 PDT 2017

Hi Mark,

Have you checked the Windows Event Logs? Under Application category you
should see the error. This could well be a permissions issue or some
security application blocking your installer. It could also be due to a
.net run time issue. Event logs should have the error code.

On Thu, Jun 8, 2017 at 9:52 AM, Mark Olbert <Mark at arcabama.com> wrote:

> I have a managed bootstrapper app which was working correctly but is now
> failing immediately after launch. In other words, everything compiles and
> builds correctly, but double-clicking the resulting exe file causes a brief
> screen flicker, and then nothing.
> I’ve checked for log files in user/appdata/local/temp, and there’s nothing
> (there are files from a few days ago, when the exe was working, but nothing
> more recent).
> How do I figure out what’s causing the exe to crash immediately upon
> launch? I’ve tried waiting for a debugger attachment when my derived
> BootstrapperApplication class’ constructor is called, but that doesn’t
> work…which says this must be a problem very early in the startup.
>   *   Mark
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