[wix-users] Tricks and Tips on Automating Builds and Releases with VSTS Team Build 2015 and WiX

Anna Flyam | Landtech anna at landtechdataservices.com
Wed Jul 12 12:41:03 PDT 2017

If every app is a .net application it's easy to create one build definition
that builds all the app, but it gets interesting if you need to
build/package/deploy VB6 legacy applications, .net solution, and WiX
We have 3 different build processes that get source code from 3 different
Team Projects in VS Version Control. One for .net apps, one for VB6 legacy
applications, and one for Installer (includes WiX setup projects, Custom
Actions project, and the custom manged BA). When you have process that has
segregated elements, they somehow need to be brought together.

Are you utilizing the REST APIs provided by VSTS within a Poweshell script
to create a Master build that calls other builds? Are there any good
Do you have tips and tricks that you can share on how to put it all
together using VSTS Team Build 2015?

Thanks in advance,

PS: We are refactoring a very large pre-MSI process and I can use your
advice in order to do it efficiently and avoid serious mistakes.

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