[wix-users] Obfuscation and patching.

Tyler Gustafson tgustafson at solacom.com
Wed Jan 25 07:36:35 PST 2017

Maybe I'm doing it wrong but we have automatically rolling build numbers on our assemblies and I didn't want to fuss with manually using the PatchFamily stuff and risk missing something I should have actually included. As a result I include everything in a patch but a lot of the files are only different by build number. I found that if I create delta patches, that build number change is very insignificant to the patch file size and so I don't mind having a delta for each of my assemblies included in the patch.

This strategy saves on human error, allows automation, and shows all of the assemblies as updated on the end user's system after applying the patch. It may not be appropriate in your scenario with obfuscation though, unless the obfuscation only changes the file when there has been an actual code change.

Small deltas good, big deltas may as well have been an MSI.

-----Original Message-----
From: wix-users [mailto:wix-users-bounces at lists.wixtoolset.org] On Behalf Of robert_yang at agilent.com
Sent: January-25-17 9:56 AM
To: wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org
Subject: Re: [wix-users] Obfuscation and patching.

"I've never worked with them but if the dlls and exes have a File Version property that you can control then I don't see any reason you wouldn't be able to patch them."

This.  Our products have multiple obfuscated DLL's, each with a version resource that is updated for every build.  So patching works just fine for us.  That said, because of the build version numbers we have to use a PatchFamily to specify which components we actually want in the patch.  This implies of course to make sure the product you are patching has just one assembly per component (plan for patching up front).


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