[wix-users] WiX Patch Bundle Question

robert_yang at agilent.com robert_yang at agilent.com
Thu Feb 23 13:30:48 PST 2017

"Pardon if this is a simple question, I haven't done much with Burn.

Hunting around the internet (and getting help from a 2013 version of myself... don't even remember asking that question LOL )  I managed to put together a v1.0 bundle and a v1.1 patch bundle prototype where the patch bundle can't be installed unless the base bundle is installed.  Pretty good so far except I can't figure out a few issues:

1)      Removing the v1.1 patch bundle doesn't revert MsiPackage A from 1.1 back to 1.0.  Running repair on the 1.0 bundle doesn't downgrade the package to 1.0 either.   How should I approach this?"

Hmm, we don't have this problem.  Perhaps post the code of your patch bundle ?  Uninstalling a patch bundle "should" result in the patch being removed and the original bundle being repaired.  I say "should" because the addition of the second step is the way it has worked since 3.9.  I had to write a custom BA (really just the std BA with a couple hacks) to get the 3.8 behavior back.

Our patches are basically .msp's with a bundle.


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