[wix-users] 11 files not being installed with our Enterprise installer... [P]

Edwin Castro egcastr at gmail.com
Thu Feb 9 19:39:32 PST 2017

If the File table shows null in the Version column for those files,
then the files themselves do not have file versions! They'll need to
be rebuilt with proper versioning.

You should be able to manually confirm those files do not have a file
version by checking the file's Properties in Windows Explorer. Check
the Details tab.

Edwin G. Castro

On Thu, Feb 9, 2017 at 7:19 PM, Steven Ogilvie <Steven.Ogilvie at titus.com> wrote:
> If that is the scenario, how would I put in the new version?
> And would I use their version + 1,
>  i.e.  if file x is version would the new version be
> Thanks
> Steve
> Sent by my BlackBerry DTEK60...
> Edwin Castro <egcastr at gmail.com> wrote:
> I just encountered a very similar scenario. Open your new MSI with
> Orca or InstEdit. Check the Version column of the File table for the
> 11 removed files. I'm guessing that you'll find the Version column to
> be Null for those files.
> The Windows Installer engines sees there are versioned files on the
> target system and refuses to replace them with unversioned copies in
> the upgrade MSI. BUT when RemoveExistingProducts executes it decides
> to delete the files as it normally would. The end result is that the
> files are missing.
> If this describes your scenario, then you'll want to make sure those
> 11 files are getting a proper version in the new version.
> --
> Edwin G. Castro
> On Thu, Feb 9, 2017 at 2:11 PM, Steve Ogilvie <SOGILVIE at msn.com> wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> I just can't understand this one... The install/merge module/shared libraries have not changed much from our last version to our new version...
>> The main difference is we went from WiX 3.10.2 to 3.10.3
>> The 11 files missing are from a Merge Module I have been using with this install for 5 versions of this product. The 11 files in question have NOT changed (component/file elements) in the merge module in over 4 versions.
>> Now I am doing an upgrade from 4.6 ( to 4.7 ( and the 11 files are missing (fresh install they are installed).
>> The merge module has changed only very slightly in the last 4 versions... since the last version it only has changed with 1 file and that is where the source of that file is (not one of the missing 11)...
>> From the merge module:
>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>> <Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi">
>>   <?include $(var.SolutionDir)\Includes\Variables.wxi ?>
>>   <Module Id="AdminMergeModule" Language="1033" Version="!(bind.fileVersion.file_anotherbinary)">
>>     <Package Id="5559BD7F-840B-4DBA-8D43-1A50B01331DC" Manufacturer="$(var.ProductCompany)" InstallerVersion="500" />
>>     <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
>>       <Directory Id="MergeRedirectFolder">
>> ...
>> then (I am calling some shared WiX libraries that are to be installed to the 'bin' folder)
>> <Directory Id="WixLibRedirectFolder" Name="bin">
>> <Component Id="cmp_System.Net.Http" Guid="{40F061F4-D7C1-49C1-8534-45D9886E6A2E}">
>>   <File Id="fil4009294F63EF8FAB368A73392F03EC27" KeyPath="yes" Source="$(var.tssSourcePath)\Admin\System.Net.Http.dll" />
>> </Component>
>> <Component Id="cmp_System.Web.Helpers" Guid="{1BA25B0A-6D9A-4480-9E2D-C4104409B7FE}">
>>   <File Id="fil268028B26C4BD9C491CD78E2B02BEA52" KeyPath="yes" Source="$(var.tssSourcePath)\Admin\System.Web.Helpers.dll" />
>> </Component>
>> <Component Id="cmp_System.Web.Optimization" Guid="{C4024628-473D-4D50-84BF-3FC25C660971}">
>>   <File Id="fil0F47A6C544A2E626CBC42D0D0CB11CAF" KeyPath="yes" Source="$(var.tssSourcePath)\Admin\System.Web.Optimization.dll" />
>> </Component>
>> The Product.wxs which calls the merge module:
>> The upgrade code has NOT changed since the beginning version, The ProductGUID is different every build, the version number has changed via the major.minor.release.build
>> <Product Id="$(var.ProductCode)" which is "*"
>>            Name="$(var.ProductName)"
>>            Language="1033"
>>            Version="$(var.CoreVersion)" version of a file !(bind.fileVersion.file_somebinary)
>>            Manufacturer="$(var.ProductCompany)"
>>            UpgradeCode="$(var.UpgradeCode)"> this GUID has NOT changed since beginning of this product
>>     <Package InstallPrivileges="elevated"
>>              Manufacturer="$(var.ProductCompany)"
>>              InstallerVersion="500"
>>              Compressed="yes"
>>              InstallScope="perMachine"/>
>> <MajorUpgrade DowngradeErrorMessage="$(var.DowngradeError_Message)" Schedule="afterInstallValidate" AllowDowngrades="no"/>
>> The 3 features are all Level="1" and are all installed, features are not visible to the user
>> <Feature Id="Feature_Admin"
>>              Title="Admin Console"
>>              Level="1"
>>              Display="expand"
>>              ConfigurableDirectory="DIRECTORY_PATH_SERVER">
>>       <MergeRef Id="AdminMergeModule"/>
>> ...
>> <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
>>   <Directory Id="DIRECTORY_PATH_SERVER" DiskId="1">
>>     <Merge Id="AdminMergeModule" SourceFile="$(env.TLSharedServices)\Installers\wixlibx64\AdminMergeModule.msm" Language="1033"/>
>> The upgrade logs are not telling me much (at least I don't see what the issue is, the 4.7 upgrade log has very similar logging with the 4.6 install log except it is missing the InstallFiles section for those 11 files...
>> Here is the logging for 4.6:
>> I have included 2 files that are not upgraded, and 1 file that is (system.net.http.dll and system.web.helpers.dll, System.Web.Optimization is upgraded)...
>> MSI (s) (DC:B0) [12:10:32:935]: Component: cmp_System.Net.Http.5559BD7F_840B_4DBA_8D43_1A50B01331DC; Installed: Absent;   Request: Local;   Action: Local
>> MSI (s) (DC:B0) [12:10:32:935]: Component: cmp_System.Web.Helpers.5559BD7F_840B_4DBA_8D43_1A50B01331DC; Installed: Absent;   Request: Local;   Action: Local
>> MSI (s) (DC:B0) [12:10:32:935]: Component: cmp_System.Web.Optimization.5559BD7F_840B_4DBA_8D43_1A50B01331DC; Installed: Absent;   Request: Local;   Action: Local
>> MSI (s) (DC:B0) [12:10:34:341]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={40F061F4-D7C1-49C1-8534-45D9886E6A2E},KeyPath=C:\inetpub\WebAdministration\bin\System.Net.Http.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=1)
>> 1: {3BF13C90-0568-4065-BA1D-077CC9674A2D} 2: {40F061F4-D7C1-49C1-8534-45D9886E6A2E} 3: C:\inetpub\WebAdministration\bin\System.Net.Http.dll
>> MSI (s) (DC:B0) [12:10:34:341]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={1BA25B0A-6D9A-4480-9E2D-C4104409B7FE},KeyPath=C:\inetpub\WebAdministration\bin\System.Web.Helpers.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=1)
>> 1: {3BF13C90-0568-4065-BA1D-077CC9674A2D} 2: {1BA25B0A-6D9A-4480-9E2D-C4104409B7FE} 3: C:\inetpub\WebAdministration\bin\System.Web.Helpers.dll
>> MSI (s) (DC:B0) [12:10:34:341]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={C4024628-473D-4D50-84BF-3FC25C660971},KeyPath=C:\inetpub\WebAdministration\bin\System.Web.Optimization.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=1)
>> 1: {3BF13C90-0568-4065-BA1D-077CC9674A2D} 2: {C4024628-473D-4D50-84BF-3FC25C660971} 3: C:\inetpub\WebAdministration\bin\System.Web.Optimization.dll
>> MSI (s) (DC:B0) [12:10:34:497]: Executing op: SetTargetFolder(Folder=C:\inetpub\WebAdministration\bin\)
>> MSI (s) (DC:B0) [12:10:34:497]: Executing op: SetSourceFolder(Folder=1\bin\)
>> MSI (s) (DC:B0) [12:10:34:497]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=pazmpudh.dll|System.Web.Optimization.dll,SourceCabKey=fil0F47A6C544A2E626CBC42D0D0CB11CAF.5559BD7F_840B_4DBA_8D43_1A50B01331DC,DestName=System.Web.Optimization.dll,Attributes=512,FileSize=54912,PerTick=65536,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=,Language=0,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,)
>> MSI (s) (DC:B0) [12:10:34:497]: File: C:\inetpub\WebAdministration\bin\System.Web.Optimization.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file
>> MSI (s) (DC:B0) [12:10:34:497]: Source for file 'fil0F47A6C544A2E626CBC42D0D0CB11CAF.5559BD7F_840B_4DBA_8D43_1A50B01331DC' is compressed
>> InstallFiles: File: System.Web.Optimization.dll,  Directory: C:\inetpub\WebAdministration\bin\,  Size: 54912
>> MSI (s) (DC:B0) [12:10:34:747]: Executing op: SetTargetFolder(Folder=C:\inetpub\WebAdministration\bin\)
>> MSI (s) (DC:B0) [12:10:34:747]: Executing op: SetSourceFolder(Folder=1\bin\)
>> MSI (s) (DC:B0) [12:10:34:747]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=wt4uzyey.dll|System.Net.Http.dll,SourceCabKey=fil4009294F63EF8FAB368A73392F03EC27.5559BD7F_840B_4DBA_8D43_1A50B01331DC,DestName=System.Net.Http.dll,Attributes=512,FileSize=83136,PerTick=65536,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=4.0.30319.34211,Language=1033,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,)
>> MSI (s) (DC:B0) [12:10:34:747]: File: C:\inetpub\WebAdministration\bin\System.Net.Http.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file
>> MSI (s) (DC:B0) [12:10:34:747]: Source for file 'fil4009294F63EF8FAB368A73392F03EC27.5559BD7F_840B_4DBA_8D43_1A50B01331DC' is compressed
>> InstallFiles: File: System.Net.Http.dll,  Directory: C:\inetpub\WebAdministration\bin\,  Size: 83136
>> And the logging for 4.7 upgrade:
>> I have included 2 files that are not upgraded, and 1 file that is (system.net.http.dll and system.web.helpers.dll, System.Web.Optimization is upgraded)...
>> MSI (s) (68:FC) [13:29:31:547]: Component: cmp_System.Net.Http.5559BD7F_840B_4DBA_8D43_1A50B01331DC; Installed: Absent;   Request: Local;   Action: Null
>> MSI (s) (68:FC) [13:29:31:547]: Component: cmp_System.Web.Helpers.5559BD7F_840B_4DBA_8D43_1A50B01331DC; Installed: Absent;   Request: Local;   Action: Null
>> MSI (s) (68:FC) [13:29:31:547]: Component: cmp_System.Web.Optimization.5559BD7F_840B_4DBA_8D43_1A50B01331DC; Installed: Absent;   Request: Local;   Action: Local
>> MSI (s) (68:70) [13:29:32:656]: Component: cmp_System.Net.Http.5559BD7F_840B_4DBA_8D43_1A50B01331DC; Installed: Local;   Request: Absent;   Action: Absent
>> MSI (s) (68:70) [13:29:32:656]: Component: cmp_System.Web.Helpers.5559BD7F_840B_4DBA_8D43_1A50B01331DC; Installed: Local;   Request: Absent;   Action: Absent
>> MSI (s) (68:70) [13:29:32:656]: Component: cmp_System.Web.Optimization.5559BD7F_840B_4DBA_8D43_1A50B01331DC; Installed: Local;   Request: Absent;   Action: Absent
>> MSI (s) (68:70) [13:29:38:029]: Executing op: FileRemove(,FileName=System.Net.Http.dll,,ComponentId={40F061F4-D7C1-49C1-8534-45D9886E6A2E})
>> RemoveFiles: File: System.Net.Http.dll, Directory: C:\inetpub\WebAdministration\bin\
>> MSI (s) (68:70) [13:29:38:029]: Verifying accessibility of file: System.Net.Http.dll
>> MSI (s) (68:70) [13:29:38:045]: Executing op: FileRemove(,FileName=System.Web.Helpers.dll,,ComponentId={1BA25B0A-6D9A-4480-9E2D-C4104409B7FE})
>> RemoveFiles: File: System.Web.Helpers.dll, Directory: C:\inetpub\WebAdministration\bin\
>> MSI (s) (68:70) [13:29:38:045]: Verifying accessibility of file: System.Web.Helpers.dll
>> MSI (s) (68:70) [13:29:38:045]: Executing op: FileRemove(,FileName=System.Web.Optimization.dll,,ComponentId={C4024628-473D-4D50-84BF-3FC25C660971})
>> RemoveFiles: File: System.Web.Optimization.dll, Directory: C:\inetpub\WebAdministration\bin\
>> MSI (s) (68:70) [13:29:38:061]: Verifying accessibility of file: System.Web.Optimization.dll
>> MSI (s) (68:FC) [13:29:43:169]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={40F061F4-D7C1-49C1-8534-45D9886E6A2E},KeyPath=C:\inetpub\WebAdministration\bin\System.Net.Http.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=1)
>> 1: {D849E411-6FA9-4655-804B-5F2FEA730212} 2: {40F061F4-D7C1-49C1-8534-45D9886E6A2E} 3: C:\inetpub\WebAdministration\bin\System.Net.Http.dll
>> MSI (s) (68:FC) [13:29:43:169]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={1BA25B0A-6D9A-4480-9E2D-C4104409B7FE},KeyPath=C:\inetpub\WebAdministration\bin\System.Web.Helpers.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=1)
>> 1: {D849E411-6FA9-4655-804B-5F2FEA730212} 2: {1BA25B0A-6D9A-4480-9E2D-C4104409B7FE} 3: C:\inetpub\WebAdministration\bin\System.Web.Helpers.dll
>> MSI (s) (68:FC) [13:29:43:169]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={C4024628-473D-4D50-84BF-3FC25C660971},KeyPath=C:\inetpub\WebAdministration\bin\System.Web.Optimization.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=1)
>> 1: {D849E411-6FA9-4655-804B-5F2FEA730212} 2: {C4024628-473D-4D50-84BF-3FC25C660971} 3: C:\inetpub\WebAdministration\bin\System.Web.Optimization.dll
>> MSI (s) (68:FC) [13:29:43:325]: Executing op: SetTargetFolder(Folder=C:\inetpub\WebAdministration\bin\)
>> MSI (s) (68:FC) [13:29:43:325]: Executing op: SetSourceFolder(Folder=1\bin\)
>> MSI (s) (68:FC) [13:29:43:325]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=pazmpudh.dll|System.Web.Optimization.dll,SourceCabKey=fil0F47A6C544A2E626CBC42D0D0CB11CAF.5559BD7F_840B_4DBA_8D43_1A50B01331DC,DestName=System.Web.Optimization.dll,Attributes=512,FileSize=54912,PerTick=65536,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=,Language=0,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,)
>> MSI (s) (68:FC) [13:29:43:325]: File: C:\inetpub\WebAdministration\bin\System.Web.Optimization.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file
>> MSI (s) (68:FC) [13:29:43:325]: Source for file 'fil0F47A6C544A2E626CBC42D0D0CB11CAF.5559BD7F_840B_4DBA_8D43_1A50B01331DC' is compressed
>> InstallFiles: File: System.Web.Optimization.dll,  Directory: C:\inetpub\WebAdministration\bin\,  Size: 54912
>> any help would be much appreciated...
>> thanks,
>> Steve
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