[wix-users] File not getting overwritten on upgrade

Uwe Laas uwe.laas at domla.de
Fri Feb 3 09:23:20 PST 2017


have these configs been changed by user / application? If so, MSI will 
not replace them, a workaround is to give them a pseudo version number 
as these files were binaries.


Am 03.02.2017 um 18:16 schrieb Griesshammer, Christoph (GE Healthcare):
> I have a couple .conf files not being overwritten on upgrade, and I'm having trouble understanding why.
> 1.       The GUIDs remained the same.
> 2.       They are not marked NeverOverwrite
> 3.       They are not marked Permanent
> I'm coming up empty handed.
> Any help is greatly appreciated.
> Christoph Griesshammer
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