[wix-users] uninstall older InstallShield app

Alan Sinclair anadem at gmail.com
Thu Aug 24 11:38:56 PDT 2017


Did you figure out a solution for this?
I just posted a similar question to the list, about removing product
installed with InnoSetup


On Thu, Aug 3, 2017 at 8:31 AM, kurt.jensen at us.ophiropt.com <
kurt.jensen at us.ophiropt.com> wrote:

> Our original app was written using Borland C++ 5.02 and installed with
> InstallShield 6.31.  :)
> Service wants us to uninstall the old app with a prompt for the user
> during installation of the new app.
> Initially wrote a custom action to throw up a message box then use
> registry entries to uninstall the old app.  Custom action runs immediate
> because the user must approve removal of old app in order to install new
> app.
> Tried debugging the custom action. No exceptions.  No errors.  No idea if
> anything ran or not. Old app not uninstalled.
> Tried breaking custom action into two parts:
> 1) Determine if old app is installed, ask user if we can uninstall, return
> ActionResult.Failure if No, runs immediate
> 2) Uninstall old app using inform registry entries, runs deferred with
> Impersonate="no" to get elevated privileges(?)
> Again, no exceptions, no errors, not uninstalled
> What would be the best approach to:
> 1) Determine if the old app is installed
>     a) Ask user to uninstall. quit if they answer No, uninstall old app if
> they answer Yes
> 2) Install new app.
> TIA!
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi">
>   <Product Id="*"
>             Name="M200sUninstaller"
>             Language="1033"
>             Version=""
>             Manufacturer="Spiricon"
>             UpgradeCode="ae5a9bfb-bd57-4dae-9174-edafc2faf6fa">
>                                 <Package InstallerVersion="200"
> Compressed="yes" InstallScope="perMachine" Platform="x86" />
>                                 <MajorUpgrade DowngradeErrorMessage="A
> newer version of [ProductName] is already installed." />
>                                 <MediaTemplate />
>                                 <Feature Id="ProductFeature"
> Title="M200sUninstaller" Level="1">
>                                                 <ComponentGroupRef
> Id="ProductComponents" />
>                                 </Feature>
>     <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
>                                                 <Directory
> Id="ProgramFilesFolder">
>         <Directory Id="SPIRICONDIRECTORY" Name="Spiricon">
>           <Directory Id="APPLICATIONDIRECTORY" Name="M200sUninstaller" />
>         </Directory>
>       </Directory>
>                                 </Directory>
>     <!--
>     = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
>     Custom Actions
>     = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
>     -->
>     <Binary Id="$(var.CustomAction.M200s.x86.TargetName).CA.dll"
>           SourceFile="$(var.CustomAction.M200s.x86.
> TargetDir)$(var.CustomAction.M200s.x86.TargetName).CA.dll"/>
>     <CustomAction Id="M200sInstall"
>                     BinaryKey="$(var.CustomAction.
> M200s.x86.TargetName).CA.dll"
>                     DllEntry="CAInstall"
>                     Impersonate="yes"
>                     Execute="immediate" />
>     <SetProperty Id="WixBundleUILevel" Value="[WIXBUNDLEUILEVEL]"
> Sequence="execute" Before="M200sInstall"/>
>     <CustomAction Id="M200sUninstall"
>                     BinaryKey="$(var.CustomAction.
> M200s.x86.TargetName).CA.dll"
>                     DllEntry="CAUninstall"
>                     Impersonate="no"
>                     Execute="deferred" />
>     <SetProperty Id="ApplicationDirectory" Value="[APPLICATIONDIRECTORY]"
> Sequence="execute" Before="M200sUninstall"/>
>     <CustomAction Id="CustomActionData"
>               Property="M200sUninstall"
>               Value="ApplicationDirectory=[APPLICATIONDIRECTORY]"
>     />
>     <InstallExecuteSequence>
>       <Custom Action="M200sInstall" After="InstallInitialize">NOT
> Installed</Custom>
>       <Custom Action="M200sUninstall" After="M200sInstall">NOT
> Installed</Custom>
>       <Custom Action="CustomActionData" Before="M200sUninstall"></Custom>
>     </InstallExecuteSequence>
>                                 <ComponentGroup Id="ProductComponents"
>                                                 <Component
> Id="ProductComponent">
>         <File Source="$(var.ProjectDir)SilentUninstall.iss"
> Id="SilentUninstall.iss"  />
>       </Component>
>                                 </ComponentGroup>
>   </Product>
> </Wix>
> This message may contain confidential information of MKS Instruments, Inc.
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> received this message in error, then any use or distribution is prohibited.
> Accordingly, please notify me immediately by e-mail and delete this
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