[wix-users] Dark is failing with InstallShield based msi decompiling

Christopher Painter chrpai at iswix.com
Sun Aug 20 06:54:05 PDT 2017

My process is basically:

1) Install a number of times on a VM to get a sense of the UI story board and variation points.

2) Perform an admin install to get most files

3) Look at the tables in ORCA and write down a bunch of notes of what the overall design and intent of the installer is.

I haven't used Dark in years.  When I do it's pretty much along the lines of extracting specific snippets of WiX XML from an existing install as a starting point for integration (not simply copy and paste )  into a WiX project.

I have converted hundreds of InstallShield installers to WiX and can professional assistance if desired.  It usually only takes a few hours.

From: wix-users <wix-users-bounces at lists.wixtoolset.org> on behalf of Blair Murri <osito at live.com>
Sent: Saturday, August 19, 2017 1:55 PM
To: WiX Toolset Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: [wix-users] Dark is failing with InstallShield based msi decompiling

You don't get a wxs file from dark because it’s unable to understand the ISDRMFile table. Try dropping that table and rerunning dark.

BTW, I would not recommend using a decompiled Installshield MSI as a starting point for a WiX project. Instead use the file, directory, registry and feature tables and a subset of the custom actions as a checklist to ensure that you have covered the basics.

Blair Murri

Sent from my Windows 10 phone

From: Farrukh Waheed<mailto:farrukh1 at gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2017 4:47 AM
To: WiX Toolset Users Mailing List<mailto:wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org>
Subject: [wix-users] Dark is failing with InstallShield based msi decompiling

I'm trying to decompile InstallShield 2015 based msi using dark.exe, but it
is continuously failing. Here is the log:

> dark IS_2015.msi IS_2015.wxs

Windows Installer XML Toolset Decompiler version
Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved.

D:\Office\temp\IS_2015.msi : warning DARK1115 : The value '0' in table
'_Validation', column 'KeyColumn' is invalid according to the column's
validation information. The decompiled output includes a best-effort
representation of this value.
D:\Office\temp\IS_2015.msi : warning DARK1115 : The value '0' in table
'_Validation', column 'KeyColumn' is invalid according to the column's
validation information. The decompiled output includes a best-effort
representation of this value.
D:\Office\temp\IS_2015.msi : warning DARK1115 : The value '0' in table
'_Validation', column 'KeyColumn' is invalid according to the column's
validation information. The decompiled output includes a best-effort
representation of this value.
D:\Office\temp\IS_2015.msi : warning DARK1115 : The value '0' in table
'_Validation', column 'KeyColumn' is invalid according to the column's
validation information. The decompiled output includes a best-effort
representation of this value.
D:\Office\temp\IS_2015.msi : warning DARK1115 : The value '0' in table
'_Validation', column 'KeyColumn' is invalid according to the column's
validation information. The decompiled output includes a best-effort
representation of this value.
D:\Office\temp\IS_2015.msi : warning DARK1115 : The value '0' in table
'_Validation', column 'KeyColumn' is invalid according to the column's
validation information. The decompiled output includes a best-effort
representation of this value.
D:\Office\temp\IS_2015.msi : warning DARK1115 : The value '0' in table
'_Validation', column 'KeyColumn' is invalid according to the column's
validation information. The decompiled output includes a best-effort
representation of this value.
D:\Office\temp\IS_2015.msi : warning DARK1115 : The value '0' in table
'_Validation', column 'KeyColumn' is invalid according to the column's
validation information. The decompiled output includes a best-effort
representation of this value.
D:\Office\temp\IS_2015.msi : warning DARK1115 : The value '0' in table
'_Validation', column 'KeyColumn' is invalid according to the column's
validation information. The decompiled output includes a best-effort
representation of this value.
D:\Office\temp\IS_2015.msi : warning DARK1115 : The value '0' in table
'_Validation', column 'KeyColumn' is invalid according to the column's
validation information. The decompiled output includes a best-effort
representation of this value.
D:\Office\temp\IS_2015.msi : warning DARK1115 : The value '0' in table
'_Validation', column 'KeyColumn' is invalid according to the column's
validation information. The decompiled output includes a best-effort
representation of this value.
D:\Office\temp\IS_2015.msi : warning DARK1115 : The value '0' in table
'_Validation', column 'KeyColumn' is invalid according to the column's
validation information. The decompiled output includes a best-effort
representation of this value.
D:\Office\temp\IS_2015.msi : warning DARK1115 : The value '0' in table
'_Validation', column 'KeyColumn' is invalid according to the column's
validation information. The decompiled output includes a best-effort
representation of this value.
D:\Office\temp\IS_2015.msi : warning DARK1115 : The value '0' in table
'_Validation', column 'KeyColumn' is invalid according to the column's
validation information. The decompiled output includes a best-effort
representation of this value.
D:\Office\temp\IS_2015.msi : warning DARK1115 : The value '0' in table
'_Validation', column 'KeyColumn' is invalid according to the column's
validation information. The decompiled output includes a best-effort
representation of this value.
D:\Office\temp\IS_2015.msi : warning DARK1115 : The value '0' in table
'_Validation', column 'KeyColumn' is invalid according to the column's
validation information. The decompiled output includes a best-effort
representation of this value.
D:\Office\temp\IS_2015.msi : warning DARK1115 : The value '0' in table
'_Validation', column 'KeyColumn' is invalid according to the column's
validation information. The decompiled output includes a best-effort
representation of this value.
D:\Office\temp\IS_2015.msi : warning DARK1115 : The value '0' in table
'_Validation', column 'KeyColumn' is invalid according to the column's
validation information. The decompiled output includes a best-effort
representation of this value.
D:\Office\temp\IS_2015.msi : warning DARK1115 : The value '0' in table
'_Validation', column 'KeyColumn' is invalid according to the column's
validation information. The decompiled output includes a best-effort
representation of this value.
dark.exe : error DARK0182 : Cannot find the table definitions for the
'ISDRMFile' table.  This is likely due to a typing error or missing
extension.  Please ensure all the necessary extensions are supplied on the
command line with the -ext parameter.
Decompiling the _SummaryInformation table.
Decompiling the ActionText table.
Decompiling the AdminExecuteSequence table.
Decompiling the AdminUISequence table.
Decompiling the AdvtExecuteSequence table.
Decompiling the AdvtUISequence table.
dark.exe : warning DARK1065 : The AdvtUISequence table is not supported by
the Windows Installer XML toolset because it has been deprecated by the
Windows Installer team.  Any information in this table will be left out of
the decompiled output.
Decompiling the Directory table.
Decompiling the Feature table.
Decompiling the Binary table.
Decompiling the Component table.
Decompiling the File table.
Decompiling the CheckBox table.
Decompiling the Icon table.
Decompiling the ComboBox table.
Decompiling the Dialog table.
Decompiling the Control table.
D:\Office\temp\IS_2015.msi : warning DARK1067 : The Control.Attributes
column's value, '5767169', is not a recognized legal value.  This
information will be left out of the decompiled output.
D:\Office\temp\IS_2015.msi : warning DARK1067 : The Control.Attributes
column's value, '5767169', is not a recognized legal value.  This
information will be left out of the decompiled output.
D:\Office\temp\IS_2015.msi : warning DARK1067 : The Control.Attributes
column's value, '5767169', is not a recognized legal value.  This
information will be left out of the decompiled output.
D:\Office\temp\IS_2015.msi : warning DARK1067 : The Control.Attributes
column's value, '5767169', is not a recognized legal value.  This
information will be left out of the decompiled output.
D:\Office\temp\IS_2015.msi : warning DARK1067 : The Control.Attributes
column's value, '5767169', is not a recognized legal value.  This
information will be left out of the decompiled output.
D:\Office\temp\IS_2015.msi : warning DARK1067 : The Control.Attributes
column's value, '5767169', is not a recognized legal value.  This
information will be left out of the decompiled output.
D:\Office\temp\IS_2015.msi : warning DARK1067 : The Control.Attributes
column's value, '5767169', is not a recognized legal value.  This
information will be left out of the decompiled output.
D:\Office\temp\IS_2015.msi : warning DARK1067 : The Control.Attributes
column's value, '5767169', is not a recognized legal value.  This
information will be left out of the decompiled output.
D:\Office\temp\IS_2015.msi : warning DARK1067 : The Control.Attributes
column's value, '5767169', is not a recognized legal value.  This
information will be left out of the decompiled output.
D:\Office\temp\IS_2015.msi : warning DARK1067 : The Control.Attributes
column's value, '5767169', is not a recognized legal value.  This
information will be left out of the decompiled output.
D:\Office\temp\IS_2015.msi : warning DARK1067 : The Control.Attributes
column's value, '5767169', is not a recognized legal value.  This
information will be left out of the decompiled output.
D:\Office\temp\IS_2015.msi : warning DARK1067 : The Control.Attributes
column's value, '5767169', is not a recognized legal value.  This
information will be left out of the decompiled output.
D:\Office\temp\IS_2015.msi : warning DARK1067 : The Control.Attributes
column's value, '5767169', is not a recognized legal value.  This
information will be left out of the decompiled output.
D:\Office\temp\IS_2015.msi : warning DARK1067 : The Control.Attributes
column's value, '5767169', is not a recognized legal value.  This
information will be left out of the decompiled output.
Decompiling the ControlCondition table.
Decompiling the ControlEvent table.
Decompiling the CreateFolder table.
Decompiling the CustomAction table.
Decompiling the Error table.
Decompiling the EventMapping table.
Decompiling the FeatureComponents table.
Decompiling the InstallExecuteSequence table.
Decompiling the InstallUISequence table.
Decompiling the ISComponentExtended table.
D:\Office\temp\IS_2015.msi : warning DARK1060 : The ISComponentExtended
table is being decompiled as a custom table.
Decompiling the ISCustomActionReference table.
D:\Office\temp\IS_2015.msi : warning DARK1060 : The ISCustomActionReference
table is being decompiled as a custom table.
Decompiling the ISDRMFileAttribute table.
Decompiling the ISDRMLicense table.
Decompiling the LaunchCondition table.
Decompiling the ListBox table.
Decompiling the ListView table.
Decompiling the Media table.
D:\Office\temp\IS_2015.msi : warning DARK1062 : The ModuleSignature table
can only be represented in Windows Installer XML for merge modules.  The
information in this table will be left out of the decompiled output.
D:\Office\temp\IS_2015.msi : warning DARK1062 : The ModuleComponents table
can only be represented in Windows Installer XML for merge modules.  The
information in this table will be left out of the decompiled output.
Decompiling the MsiDigitalCertificate table.
Decompiling the MsiPatchCertificate table.
Decompiling the Shortcut table.
D:\Office\temp\IS_2015.msi : warning DARK1066 : The Patch table is added to
the install package by a transform from a patch package (.msp) and not
authored directly into an install package (.msi). The information in this
table will be left out of the decompiled output.
Decompiling the Property table.
Decompiling the RadioButton table.
Decompiling the TextStyle table.
Decompiling the UIText table.
Decompiling the Upgrade table.
dark.exe : warning DARK1058 : The AdminExecuteSequence table contains an
action 'ScheduleReboot' which is not allowed in this table.  If this is a
standard action then it is not valid for this table, if it is a custom
action or dialog then this table does not accept actions of that type.
This action will be left out of the decompiled output.
dark.exe : warning DARK1058 : The AdvtExecuteSequence table contains an
action 'RegisterTypeLibraries' which is not allowed in this table.  If this
is a standard action then it is not valid for this table, if it is a custom
action or dialog then this table does not accept actions of that type.
This action will be left out of the decompiled output.
dark.exe : warning DARK1058 : The AdvtExecuteSequence table contains an
action 'ScheduleReboot' which is not allowed in this table.  If this is a
standard action then it is not valid for this table, if it is a custom
action or dialog then this table does not accept actions of that type.
This action will be left out of the decompiled output.
dark.exe : warning DARK1024 : The InstallExecuteSequence table contains an
action 'MsiConfigureServices' which is not a known custom action, dialog,
or standard action.  This action will be left out of the decompiled output.

It doesn't generate any wxs file.  Does anyone else is facing any such
issues? Any work around?


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