[wix-users] Modifying a util:RegistrySearch value before use in DetectCondition

Edwin Castro egcastr at gmail.com
Tue Apr 25 11:56:11 PDT 2017

I tried reading the value of the variable created by the
util:RegistrySearch in both OnDetect() and OnDetectComplete(). The
variable does not exist when OnDetect() is called. It does exist when
OnDetectComplete() is called but the DetectCondition has already been
evaluated at that time and all packages have been detected!

On the surface it seems I can't process the results of
util:RegistrySearch prior to the evaluation of DetectCondition. :-(

Edwin G. Castro

On Tue, Apr 25, 2017 at 10:46 AM, Nir Bar <nir.bar at panel-sw.com> wrote:
> v3.x also has OnDetect which is probably the one you need.
> Nir Bar
> Panel::Software Architecture and Development
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