[wix-users] BURN - Install SQL 2014 on machine with SQL 2012

Ronny Eriksson ronny.eriksson at optimity.se
Fri Sep 9 05:23:05 PDT 2016

Yes, you can install SQL 2014 on a machine that has SQL 2012, BUT you can't install SQL 2014 with Default instance if SQL 2012 is installed with default instance.

Then you need to install SQL 2014 with an instance.

I can have a lot of versions of SQL installed but you have to have different instances for all version.
e.g. I have 2012, 2014 and 2016 installed on ny machine BUT they have all different instances.
My 2012 version is localhost\SQL12 and the 2014 version localhost\SQL14 and localhost\SQL16 for the 2016 version.

So all comes down to how u install it and what is installed there before.

Ronny Eriksson 

-----Original Message-----
From: wix-users [mailto:wix-users-bounces at lists.wixtoolset.org] On Behalf Of Ashutosh Vyas
Sent: den 9 september 2016 13:41
To: wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org
Subject: [wix-users] BURN - Install SQL 2014 on machine with SQL 2012



I am trying to install SQL 2014 as part of my Burn Package. However, the installation fails with error "error 0x84bc06aa installing sql server 2014"


Upon searching, I found that people say SQL 2014 cannot be installed if SQL
2012 Native Client is already installed on the machines. However, I NEED TO get 2014 installed in this scenario.


Is there any way out ? 






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