[wix-users] Please Unsubscribe me from Wix mail list

NIRAJ_IT neerajkv.130012 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 22 20:00:49 PDT 2016

Dear Wix User/Admin

Request you again and again to please remove me from this group.

Admin - I followed all the steps sent by you but your process of
unsubscribing the group is not working. Please check and resolve my issue.

Niraj Kumar

On 23 Sep 2016 07:10, "Shintaro Takechi" <devst119 at gmail.com> wrote:

Thank you very much Tyler. I was able to create a msp file with the change
properly affected the installed folder.
It is unfortunate that I have to make a batch file rather than running
these on post-build events.
However, I achieved what I wanted and I am extremely grateful.

On Wed, Sep 21, 2016 at 5:32 AM, Tyler Gustafson <tgustafson at solacom.com>

> I don't think you use heat to create patches, instead you use previously
> authored installers. I am pulling them apart using an administrative
> install. Apparently there is a way to not have to do that and just use one
> of the pre-compile things from those installers but I couldn't get that to
> work as it was always looking in the wrong spot for the artifacts. This is
> my quick and dirty code but there are lots of tutorials online. If you
> don't specify any component refs it just assumes you want to use
> and the torch.exe figures out what differences to actually include.
> I have a patch.wxs that looks like this:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi">
>   <Patch AllowRemoval="yes" Manufacturer="Acme Corp" MoreInfoURL="
> http://www.dynamocorp.com/" DisplayName="Sample Patch" Description="Small
> Update Patch" Classification="Update" MinorUpdateTargetRTM="yes">
>     <Media Id="5000" Cabinet="Patch.cab">
>       <PatchBaseline Id="Patch" />
>     </Media>
>     <PatchFamilyRef Id="SamplePatchFamily" />
>     <PatchFamily Id="SamplePatchFamily" Version=""
> Supersede="yes">
>       <!--<ComponentRef Id=MainExecutable/>-->
>     </PatchFamily>
>   </Patch>
> </Wix>
> And then two .msi here
> C:\\UpgradeScriptFiles.msi
> C:\\UpgradeScriptFiles.msi
> And then I run the following command lines to make a patch that will
> upgrade from 1.0 to 1.1
> msiexec /a "C: \\UpgradeScriptFiles.msi" /qn /l*v
> "%temp%\admin_1.0.log" TARGETDIR="%~dp0\Admin\"
> msiexec /a "C:\\UpgradeScriptFiles.msi" /qn /l*v
> "%temp%\admin_1.1.log" TARGETDIR="%~dp0\Admin\"
> torch.exe -p -ax "Admin\Bin" -xo "Admin\\UpgradeScriptFiles.msi"
> "Admin\\UpgradeScriptFiles.msi" -out diff1.wixmst
> candle.exe patch.wxs
> light.exe Patch.wixobj
> pyro.exe patch.wixmsp -ext WixUIExtension -delta -v -out patch.msp -t
> Patch diff1.wixmst
> -----Original Message-----
> From: wix-users [mailto:wix-users-bounces at lists.wixtoolset.org] On Behalf
> Of Shintaro Takechi
> Sent: September-20-16 5:12 PM
> To: WiX Toolset Users Mailing List
> Subject: [wix-users] How do you patch files that is gathered by heat.exe?
> Hi all,
> I am trying to make a patch for my product. I gather all of my built files
> using the heat.
> From what I gathered patching is done via specifying ComponentRefs in the
> PatchFamily.
> However, that is not realistic as it takes extremely long time to track
> the change one by one.
> Is there any way to find the difference between the previous built and
> gather just those files in the patch installer?
> Thank you
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