[wix-users] Resolving variables in WixLibraries

Helge Kruse Helge.Kruse at gmx.net
Mon Sep 19 09:47:34 PDT 2016


I have a library that shall be used at a different PC. The files
referred in that library are in a folder that may be different at the
other PCs. Therefore I want to define that folder with a variable.

If I use an environment variable then the variable is replaced by candle:

  <Component Id="any" Directory="DIR" Guid="*">
   <File Id="any" KeyPath="yes" Source="$(env.BUILD_DIR)\Foo.dll" />

If I use a WiX variable then I get candle error CNDL0150:

  <Component Id="any" Directory="DIR" Guid="*">
   <File Id="any" KeyPath="yes" Source="$(var.BUILD_DIR)\Foo.dll" />

How can I postpone the definition of the folder to the light.exe run?


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