[wix-users] why does 64 bit bundle install key/value pairs under the 32 bit HKLM/Software/Win6432Node registry key?

Ian Bell ib at ianbellsoftware.com
Wed Oct 12 09:59:09 PDT 2016

The 32 bit version of my WIX setup bundle adds key/value pairs under the 32
bit HKLM/Software/Win6432Node/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Uninstall
registry key.    Examples of the keys added to the registry are
BundleCachePath, BundleVersion, QuietUninstallString and UninstallString.
Now, I found the 64 bit version of my WIX setup bundle also adds key/value
pairs under the 32 bit
registry key and this is not where I expected to find the 64 bit key/value
pairs.   Instead, I expected the 64 bit version of my WIX setup bundle to
install under  these key/value pairs under the 64 bit registry key
HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Uninstall.   My application
needs to know where the key/value pairs installed by my WIX bundle are
located in the registry.    Is it normal for the 64 bit version of the setup
bundle to add these key/value pairs to the 32 bit version of the registry






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