[wix-users] ToolTips not working with Wix Toolset v3.10

John Cooper JoCooper at jackhenry.com
Tue Nov 29 06:25:42 PST 2016

I have tooltips for all my custom UI.  They work fine.  What does Orca say is in the table for your dialog?

John Merryweather Cooper
Senior Software Engineer -- Integration Development Group -- Enterprise Notification Service
Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.® | Lenexa, KS  66214 | Office:  913-341-3434x431050
JoCooper at jackhenry.com

-----Original Message-----
From: wix-users [mailto:wix-users-bounces at lists.wixtoolset.org] On Behalf Of Jeffrey Harris
Sent: Monday, November 28, 2016 10:25 PM
To: wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org
Subject: [wix-users] ToolTips not working with Wix Toolset v3.10

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When mousing over the fields with ToolTip set, no text appears. What is necessary to enable the tooltips to appear? Everything compiles OK and installs OK. Viewed install log with verbose logging and no errors show.
Have tried using text as opposed to localized strings. No difference was noticed. Added pipes ("|") as suggested somewhere, but made no difference.
Here is a snippet with the ToolTip:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi">
    <UI Id="ConnectionStringDialogUI">
      <Dialog Id="ConnectionStringDialog" Width="400" Height="300"
        <Control Id="header" Type="Bitmap" Text="header" Height="40"
Width="400" X="0" Y="0" TabSkip="yes"/>
        <Control Id="headerText" Type="Text" X="15" Y="5" Width="290"
Height="50" Transparent="yes"

        <Control Id="explanationText" X="20" Y="19" NoWrap="no"
RightAligned="no" Transparent="yes" Type="Text" Width="300" Height="100"

        <Control Id="serverNameLabel" Type="Text" X="15" Y="60" Height="17"
Width="65" Transparent="yes" Text="!(loc.ConnectionStringServer)"
        <Control Id="serverNameTextbox" Type="Edit" X="15" Y="73"
Text="localhost" Height="17" Width="240" Property="SERVERNAMEPROPERTY"

        <Control Id="DBNameLabel" Type="Text" X="15" Y="93" Height="17"
Width="65" Transparent="yes" Text="!(loc.ConnectionStringDatabaseName)"
        <Control Id="DBNameTextbox" Type="Edit" X="15" Y="106"
Text="localhost" Height="17" Width="240" Property="DATABASEPROPERTY"

        <Control Id="dbIDLabel" Type="Text" X="15" Y="126" Height="17"
Width="65" Transparent="yes" Text="!(loc.ConnectionStringUserId)"
        <Control Id="dbIDTextbox" Type="Edit" X="15" Y="139"
Text="localhost" Height="17" Width="240" Property="DBACCOUNTID"

        <Control Id="DBPasswordLabel" Type="Text" X="15" Y="159"
Height="17" Width="65" Transparent="yes"
        <Control Id="DBPasswordTextbox" Type="Edit" X="15" Y="172"
Text="localhost" Height="17" Width="240" Property="DBACCOUNTPASSWORD"
Password="yes" Indirect="no"/>

        <Control Id="lowerLine" Type="Line" X="1" Y="260" Height="3"

        <Control Id="BackButton" Type="PushButton"
Text="<!(loc.WixUIBack)" Height="17" Width="56" X="190" Y="270"
Bitmap="no" Sunken="no">


Jeff Harris

WiX Toolset Users Mailing List provided by FireGiant http://www.firegiant.com/

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