[wix-users] Iisext and keypath

Phill Hogland phill.hogland at rimage.com
Mon Nov 28 06:13:33 PST 2016

I believe that the keypath is important as the resources you indicated are contained in Components and the Component's keypath is used by msiexec to determine if the contents of the Component should be acted on (installed, etc).  For these situations I typically use a Registry value which changes with each release (such as my product's version) as the keypath.  I'm sure there are other approaches.

      <Component Id="myAppPool" Directory="myDir">
        <RegistryValue Root="HKMU" Key="!(wix.PropertiesRegKey)" Name="AppPool_ProductVersion" Value="[ProductVersion]" Type="string" KeyPath="yes" />

        <iis:WebAppPool Id="myappPool" Name="my-app" Identity="applicationPoolIdentity" IdleTimeout="20" ManagedRuntimeVersion="v4.0" ManagedPipelineMode="Integrated" MaxWorkerProcesses="1" RecycleMinutes="1740" CpuAction="none" QueueLimit="4000" />

From: wix-users <wix-users-bounces at lists.wixtoolset.org> on behalf of Fred <curious_freddy at gmsl.co.uk>
Sent: Friday, November 25, 2016 4:20:38 AM
To: wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org
Subject: [wix-users] Iisext and keypath

If a component contains an IIS resource (website, app pool etc), what
should the keypath be and does it even have any meaning for these kind
of resources?

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