[wix-users] dependent inistalls and use tracking

Winter,Stijn S. de stijn.dewinter at student.fontys.nl
Thu Mar 10 00:51:53 PST 2016


Why don't you have control of which is installed first?
You could use a bootstrapper to first install tomcat and after that both of the products.

If you want to install them separately there is something with refcount i believe.
I don't know whether you could use it with apache-tomcat, but I suppose you can.

Stijn de Winter

Van: wix-users <wix-users-bounces at lists.wixtoolset.org> namens Lewis Henderson <henderso at opentext.com>
Verzonden: woensdag 9 maart 2016 15:11
Aan: wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org
Onderwerp: [wix-users]  dependent inistalls and use tracking

Hi Folks,

I asked a similar question a few days ago and got no response, so I'll ask again with a little more concrete situation.

I have two product installs that both require an apache-tomcat install.  I have no control of which product will be installed first, or if both will be installed.  What I need is for both installs to be able to do an initial tomcat install, or if its already installed, not to install again (as that would overwrite the previous configuration settings).  However, on uninstall, tomcat can't be removed until both products are removed, no matter which installed it in the first place.

I have tomcat coded as a merge module which works fine for uninstall, but the second install does re-install tomcat and therefore wipes out the original configuration settings.

I haven't delved into bundles, but the product installation UI's are pretty complicated, and tomcat may only be installed if certain features of one of the products is selected.  Can a BA handle this kind of complexity?

In any case, I need help to find a solution to this kind of situation.  Please help me out here.  Thanks.

                                                                Lewis Henderson
                                                                OpenText, Inc.

PS: Yes, I need both products to use the same tomcat instance.

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