[wix-users] Using 3rd Party dlls in wix cuation action c++ dll

shashank khadse shashank.s.khadse at gmail.com
Thu Mar 17 08:04:27 PDT 2016

Hello John
Thanks ..but I wud like to know how to make use of binary table ...I m kind
of new to wix ...pls provide me some insight.
Maybe some links wud be useful.
On 17-Mar-2016 7:13 pm, "John Cooper" <JoCooper at jackhenry.com> wrote:

> You need to store and extract the DLL plus all its dependencies.
> For the scenario you are attempting, I would recommend storing and
> extracting the DLL's from the Binary Table.
> --
> John Merryweather Cooper
> Senior Software Engineer | Integration Development Group | Enterprise
> Notification Service
> Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.® | Lenexa, KS  66214 | Ext:  431050 |
> JoCooper at jackhenry.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: wix-users [mailto:wix-users-bounces at lists.wixtoolset.org] On Behalf
> Of shashank khadse
> Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2016 8:31 AM
> To: WiX Toolset Users Mailing List <wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org>
> Subject: [wix-users] Using 3rd Party dlls in wix cuation action c++ dll
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> attachments or click links from an unknown or suspicious origin.
> Hello ,
> I am trying to use an api from a 3rd party dll ( this dll again has few
> 4-5 dependency dlls ) in my wxi custom action dll project.
> So technically this dll ( and also its dependent dlls ) won't be bundled
> up inside the msi but will be needed to execute the setup at runtime.
> I tried following options ]
> 1> Execute the installer from the same directory as that of the
> 1> dependent
> dlls.
> 2> Add the path of the of the dependent dlls into system path variable (
> this would be taken care by installer during installation..right now I am
> doing it maunally ) so that the setup.exe/msi file would get the dll path
> from system path to execute the custom action at runtime.
> in  both the cases I am getting an error as
> Can anybody suggest me any solution to call the 3rd party api from a dll (
> taking of care of the dependent dlls of the 3rd party dll ) ??
> Thanks -
> Shanky
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