[wix-users] How to get rid of the Welcome dialog in WixUI_InstallDir mode.

sampat magi ssmcs060 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 25 17:52:04 PST 2016

It's defined at the end of the welcomedlg in the wix source.

On Feb 26, 2016 7:21 AM, "sampat magi" <ssmcs060 at gmail.com> wrote:

> I think you have to look at the
> installuisequence of the welcomedlg.wxs
> Regards
> Sampat
> On Feb 26, 2016 7:09 AM, "shashank khadse" <shashank.s.khadse at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am new to wix toolset. I have started using the toolset like 7-8 days.
>> Currently as per my requirements, I have been using the WixUI_InstallDir
>> standard dialogs. I needed some customizations so I have downloaded the
>> WixUI_InstallDir.wxs and InstallDirDlg.wxs. I have made some changes to
>> dialogs and also introduced some custom actions for those added dialogs.
>> Thanks to the simplicity of the standard dialogs, I am able to create msi
>> setup.
>> For creating the setup executable and adding prerequisites , I used the
>> bootstrap application where in I bundles the created msi. Now the issue is
>> the bootstrap comes with its own Welcome dialog and the embedded msi also
>> shows its own dialog box. In order to get rid of the msi welcome dialog, I
>> have removed the Publish statemnts related to Welcome dlg
>> from the custom WixUI_InstallDir.wxs. But I am not able to get rid of the
>> welcome dialog.
>> Is there any way to get rid of the msi welcome dialog ?
>> If not then, is there any possibility to get rid of the Welcome dlg of the
>> bootstrap ?
>> Anyhow I want to get rid of the either of the dlg. ( Removing msi dlg
>> would
>> be most welcome :) )
>> Could you please help me to resolve this issue.
>> Let me know if you need some more input from me.
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Shanky
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