[wix-users] web deployments

sampat magi ssmcs060 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 2 18:19:39 PST 2016

When u say the word "existing" , it could be a website/apppool/user ,
U must not define it under component.
Move it away from component to fragment/product

On Feb 3, 2016 2:00 AM, "Greg Oliver" <golive at microsoft.com> wrote:

> I have seen one or two examples of doing web deployments using WiX.  Is
> there a more complete treatment of the topic somewhere?  One that lays out
> all of the details in a user-guide fashion rather than a reference fashion?
> For example, I want to add a webapi port and app to an existing website.
> Or I want to add a new website, but with an existing app pool.  There are a
> ton of use cases that I would love to see in user guide format.
> Thanks,
> Greg
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