[wix-users] How do I handle SetupFilesCleanup and SetupFiles Extract in Wix

Shobha Dashottar Shobha_Dashottar at symantec.com
Wed Aug 31 22:58:51 PDT 2016

Hi All,

   I have converted our Installshield project to wix . I have almost conquered most of the tasks but have stumbled upon these two actions which I don't know how Wix takes care of. From most of my reading so far, Wix takes care of it on its own and we don't need to take any action as such but that is not working for me.

So when I converted (decompiled the msi), With all the custom actions some of the IS standard actions got converted too

    <CustomAction Id="ISSetupFilesCleanup" BinaryKey="ISSetupFilesHelper" DllEntry="SFCleanupEx" Execute="firstSequence" /> 
    <CustomAction Id="IS_LAUNCH_MY_PROGRAM_PLEASE" BinaryKey="ISSetupFilesHelper" DllEntry="SFCleanupEx" Execute="firstSequence" />
     <CustomAction Id="ForcePerMachineInstall" Property="ALLUSERS" Value="1" />
    <CustomAction Id="ISPreventDowngrade" Error="[IS_PREVENT_DOWNGRADE_EXIT]" />
    <CustomAction Id="ISSetupFilesExtract" BinaryKey="ISSetupFilesHelper" DllEntry="SFStartupEx" Execute="firstSequence" />

I got to remove the references to the IS actions but don't know how it can be handled. What is a way that we can do setupfiles cleanup and extract in Wix ?


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