[wix-users] heat.exe : error HEAT5301: Invalid project output group: Binaries3bSources3bSatellites%3bDocuments.

John Zajac jzajac2 at gmail.com
Sat Aug 20 09:32:38 PDT 2016

I'm transitioning from TFS / VS 2008 to TFS / VS 2013. In 2013 instance
getting this error:

heat.exe : error HEAT5301: Invalid project output group:

on the HeatProject Task.

The msbuild log with this error (some paths changed for privacy):

Target "HarvestProjects: (TargetId:2154)" in file "C:\Program Files
(x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\WiX\v3.x\wix200x.targets" from project
"{PathTo}MyWixProj.wixproj" (target "Harvest" depends on it):
Building target "HarvestProjects" completely.
Output file "obj\Release\MyWixProj.wxs" does not exist.
Using "HeatProject" task from assembly "C:\Program Files
Task "HeatProject" (TaskId:1900)
  Task Parameter:ToolPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Installer XML
v3.5\bin\ (TaskId:1900)
  Task Parameter:AutogenerateGuids=True (TaskId:1900)
  Task Parameter:GenerateGuidsNow=False (TaskId:1900)
  Task Parameter:OutputFile=obj\Release\_Broker.wxs (TaskId:1900)
  Task Parameter:SuppressFragments=True (TaskId:1900)
  Task Parameter:SuppressUniqueIds=False (TaskId:1900)
  Task Parameter:Project={PathTo}MyWixProj.wixproj (TaskId:1900)
  Task Parameter:ProjectName=Broker (TaskId:1900)
  Task Parameter:Configuration=Release (TaskId:1900)
  Task Parameter:Platform=x86 (TaskId:1900)
  Command: (TaskId:1900)
  C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Installer XML v3.5\bin\Heat.exe
project {PathTo}MyWixProj.wixpro -configuration Release -platform x86 -pog
-projectname Broker -ag -sfrag -out obj\Release\MyWixProj.wxs (TaskId:1900)
  Microsoft (R) Windows Installer Xml Toolset Harvester version 3.5.2519.0
  Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. (TaskId:1900)
heat.exe : error HEAT5301: Invalid project output group:
Binaries3bSources3bSatellites%3bDocuments. [{PathTo}MyWixProj.wixpro]
  The command exited with code 5301. (TaskId:1900)
Done executing task "HeatProject" -- FAILED. (TaskId:1900)

In the (working) 2008 instance the msbuild looks like this:

       Using "HeatProject" task from assembly "C:\Program
       Task "HeatProject"
         C:\Program Files\Windows Installer XML v3.5\bin\Heat.exe project
{PathTo}MyWixProj.wixproj -configuration Release -platform x86 -pog
Binaries -pog Symbols -pog Sources -pog Content -pog Satellites -pog
Documents -projectname MyWixProj -ag -sfrag -out obj\Release\My.wxs
         Microsoft (R) Windows Installer Xml Toolset Harvester version
         Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

       Done executing task "HeatProject".
    86>Done building target "HarvestProjects" in project
    83>Target "CoreBuild" in file
"c:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\Microsoft.Common.targets" from

I have tried a few solutions which seemed applicable, from this SO post, to
no avail:

I THINK what I need is to get the HeatProject Task to construct the
parameters to:

-pog Binaries -pog Symbols -pog Sources -pog Content -pog Satellites -pog

instead of:

-pog "Binaries%3bSymbols%3bSources%3bContent%3bSatellites%3bDocuments"

do to this explanation here: https://sourceforge.net/p/wix/bugs/2190/

If that is the case, I'm not sure how I'm supposed to do that?

Both TFS servers have WiX 3.5 installed

Any tips, hunches, ideas are much appreciated. I'm not sure I understand
the limitations of Heat across the versions of WiX


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