[wix-users] Merge Module not getting installed as a part of the Installation

Shobha Dashottar Shobha_Dashottar at symantec.com
Tue Aug 9 01:18:39 PDT 2016

Hello Wix Users,

   I am working on migrating our current Installshield based installer to Wix. Though most of the things are sorted out I am having trouble trying to make the merge module install to work

As a part of our product install we need to install a merge module ( provided to us by another team) which will lay down the files in our product install dir.
But during installation in the "CopyFiles" step, it copies our files but throws out an error pop up box "Error 1309: Error reading from file: <file to be installed as a part of the msm>. Verify that the file exists and that you can access it". I opened the msi in Orca and see the files and the custom actions which are a part of the msm.

I used the Merge tag in the directory tree to add the msm.

<Directory Id="...
<Merge Id="CustomMSM" SourceFile="..\CustomMSM.msm" DiskId="1" Language="1033" />
<Component Id="...

Then added the MergeRef element inside the Feature Element.

<ComponentRef Id="Compx" />
<MergeRef Id="CustomMSM"/>
<feature />

Any idea what's going wrong ?


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