[wix-users] Upgrading

Winter,Stijn S. de stijn.dewinter at student.fontys.nl
Fri Apr 22 05:50:09 PDT 2016


Thanks for the quick response! :D
is that the only thing i have to do?
Also can i specify things that only run when upgrading and not on a clean install and vice versa

Kind regards,
Stijn de Winter
Van: wix-users <wix-users-bounces at lists.wixtoolset.org> namens Sanket Panchamia <psanket at gmail.com>
Verzonden: vrijdag 22 april 2016 14:26
Aan: WiX Toolset Users Mailing List
Onderwerp: Re: [wix-users] Upgrading


There is an upgrade code in the package that has to be the same throughout
your installation package for different versions of the product.
On 22-Apr-2016 4:52 pm, "Winter,Stijn S. de" <
stijn.dewinter at student.fontys.nl> wrote:

> Hello all,
> Bit of a stupid question maybe,
> Is upgrading automatically supported and how does wix know what files to
> upgrade??
> I'm using a bundle for this installation.
> Kind regards,
> Stijn de Winter
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