[wix-users] Restart after bundle

Phill Hogland phill.hogland at rimage.com
Tue Apr 5 07:02:11 PDT 2016

In OnApplyCpmplete (if the user is allowing a restart based on either prompting and/or checking  Bootstrapper.Restart.Never < Burn.obj.Command.Restart ) then return Result.Restart.
From: wix-users <wix-users-bounces at lists.wixtoolset.org> on behalf of Winter,Stijn S. de <stijn.dewinter at student.fontys.nl>
Sent: Tuesday, April 5, 2016 8:52 AM
To: WiX Toolset Users Mailing List
Subject: [wix-users] Restart after bundle

Hello All,

I have to restart the computer after the bundle has succesfully installed itself.

Is there a way to do this?

Kind Regards,

Stijn de Winter

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