[wix-users] Best Practices Question on Conditionally Setting Multiple Properties

Andreas Hirth a.hirth at luratech.com
Fri Apr 22 00:30:43 PDT 2016

Hi Gary,

I successfully used the <?foreach?> preprocessor statement in the past 
for something similar. For your needs the code could probably look like 
this (not tested):

<?define MyProperties=PROP1;PROP2;PROP3?>
<?foreach Propertyname in $(var.MyProperties)?>
     <Property Id="$(var.Propertyname)" />
     <SetProperty Id="$(var.Propertyname)" ...>...</SetProperty>

-- Andreas

Am 22.04.2016 um 08:59 schrieb Gary M:
> Ughh never mind, the properties element under feature elements doesn't
> play. (too tired)
> Any suggestions or am I stuck with defining many properties ?
> On Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 11:46 PM, Gary M <garym at oedata.com> wrote:
>> I have a best practices question about conditionally setting about 60
>> properties.
>> I'm setting the properties with default values when "NOT Installed".
>> When installed, the values are sourced from the registry and  some ini
>> files.
>> I would like to reduce the number of conditional statements and make the
>> wxs a bit more readable and maintainable.
>> The only was I can see hierarchically organizing  the properties is to
>> place them in a Feature element, make the feature hidden and add a
>> conditional element to the feature..
>>   Is there a different/better convention to achieve this ?
>> v/r
>> gary
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