[wix-users] Conditions appearing on the Welcome UI dialog...

Lewis Henderson henderso at opentext.com
Wed Apr 13 09:35:07 PDT 2016

Hi Everyone,

I've got a weird situation - it's not a show-stopper, but it is an annoyance.  I've got a set of property searches and settings to verify that an appropriate Java is installed, but as a result, some of these condition checks appear briefly on the Welcome Dialog before things settle in.

Here's the include I use to check for Java:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Include xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi">

  <Property Id="JRE_VERSION" Secure="yes">
    <RegistrySearch Id="jre_ver" Root="HKLM"
                    Key="Software\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment"
                    Name="CurrentVersion" Type="raw" />
  <Property Id="JRE_HOME" Secure="yes">
    <RegistrySearch Id="jre_home" Root="HKLM"
                    Key="Software\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment\[JRE_VERSION]"
                    Name="JavaHome" Type="raw" />
  <Property Id="JRE_JVM" Secure="yes">
    <DirectorySearch Id="jre_jvm" Path="[JRE_HOME]\bin" Depth="1">
      <FileSearch Name="jvm.dll" />
  <Property Id="JDK_VERSION" Secure="yes">
    <RegistrySearch Id="jdk_ver" Root="HKLM"
                    Key="Software\JavaSoft\Java Development Kit"
                    Name="CurrentVersion" Type="raw" />
  <Property Id="JDK_HOME" Secure="yes">
    <RegistrySearch Id="jdk_home" Root="HKLM"
                    Key="Software\JavaSoft\Java Development Kit\[JDK_VERSION]"
                    Name="JavaHome" Type="raw" />
  <Property Id="JDK_JVM" Secure="yes">
    <DirectorySearch Id="jdk_jvm" Path="[JDK_HOME]" Depth="3">
      <FileSearch Name="jvm.dll" />
  <Property Id="JavaMinVersion" Value="$(var.JavaMinVersion)" />

  <!-- All of this testing makes sure that:
       1) we get at least the minimum java version
       2) we get JAVA_HOME and JVM_PATH from the same place
       3) we take the JRE value over the JDK if both exist -->
  <SetProperty Id="JAVA_HOME" Value="[JRE_HOME]"
               After="AppSearch">JRE_JVM AND JRE_VERSION >= "$(var.JavaMinVersion)"</SetProperty>
  <SetProperty Id="JAVA_HOME" Value="[JDK_HOME]" Action="SetJAVA_HOME2"
               After="AppSearch">NOT JAVA_HOME AND (JDK_JVM AND JDK_VERSION >= "$(var.JavaMinVersion)")</SetProperty>
  <SetProperty Id="JAVA_HOME" Value="[JRE_HOME]" Action="SetJAVA_HOME3"
               After="AppSearch">NOT JAVA_HOME AND (JRE_HOME AND JRE_VERSION >= "$(var.JavaMinVersion)")</SetProperty>
  <SetProperty Id="JAVA_HOME" Value="[JDK_HOME]" Action="SetJAVA_HOME4"
               After="AppSearch">NOT JAVA_HOME AND (JDK_HOME AND JDK_VERSION >= "$(var.JavaMinVersion)")</SetProperty>
  <SetProperty Id="JVM_PATH"  Value="[JRE_JVM]"
               After="AppSearch">JRE_JVM AND JRE_VERSION >= "$(var.JavaMinVersion)"</SetProperty>
  <SetProperty Id="JVM_PATH"  Value="[JDK_JVM]"  Action="SetJVM_PATH2"
               After="AppSearch">NOT JVM_PATH AND (JDK_JVM AND JDK_VERSION >= "$(var.JavaMinVersion)")</SetProperty>

  <Condition Message="!(loc.JavaRequiredStr)">
  <Condition Message="!(loc.JavaMinimumStr)">
  <Condition Message="!(loc.JvmRequiredStr)">


So, does anyone have any ideas of why these may be showing up on the Welcome dialog?  I suspect it may have to do with the timing of the SetProperty statements (After="AppSearch"), and if so, is there a better place to schedule them that still works and won't show up during the install?

Thanks for the help.

                                                                Lewis Henderson

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