[wix-users] problems with startmenu shortcuts

Ike Casteleyn Ike.Casteleyn at compufit.be
Fri Dec 11 03:33:34 PST 2015


I have a few problems with a few startmenu shortcuts.

Below you'll find a portion of my wxs-file.
<Directory Id="ProgramMenuFolder" Name="Programs">
    <Directory Id="ProgramMenuDir" Name="MyApp">
        <Component Id="ProgramMenuDir" Guid="FILL_GUID">
            <RemoveFolder Id="ProgramMenuDir" On="uninstall" />
            <RegistryValue Root="HKCU" Key="Software\[Manufacturer]\[ProductName]" Type="string" Value="" KeyPath="yes" />

            <Shortcut Id="ShortcutWebsite" Name="!(loc.ShortcutWebsite)" Directory="ProgramMenuDir" Target="[Prop_ShortcutWebsite]" Icon="ID_Website.ico" IconIndex="0" />

        <Directory Id="ProgramMenuDirDiv" Name="!(loc.ShortcutProgramMenuDirDiv)">
            <Component Id="ProgramMenuDirDiv" Guid="FILL_GUID">
                <RemoveFolder Id="ProgramMenuDirDiv" On="uninstall" />
                <RegistryValue Root="HKCU" Key="Software\[Manufacturer]\[ProductName]" Type="string" Value="" KeyPath="yes" />

                <Shortcut Id="ShortcutFolder" Name="!(loc.ShortcutFolder)" Directory="ProgramMenuDirDiv" Target="[INSTALLDIR]" />
                <Shortcut Id="ShortcutUninstall" Name="!(loc.ShortcutUninstall)" Directory="ProgramMenuDirDiv" Target="[SystemFolder]msiexec.exe" Arguments="/x [ProductCode]" />

<!-- lot's more -->

<Icon Id="ID_Website.ico" SourceFile="web.ico" />

In this portion above, you'll notice I have 3 shortcuts (remove, website and installfolder)
Installfolder is present and works as expected.
Remove is present (on disk), but is not shown in the startmenu
Website is present and shown and works, however the icon is really small (like 16x16). I have tried by creating a icon with just the 32x32 in it, but the size remains the same

As an extra question:
You'll notice that I have created a subfolder "ProgramMenuDirDiv". Right now all the shortcuts in that folder are shown in the startmenu (but directly under the main "app", instead of a sort of subfolder). Is this possible?

Best regards,

Ike Casteleyn

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